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Everything posted by caol_an

  1. The name of the dog beside George Cregan in the overs racing is Jake.
  2. mine is about the same age as yours. i just started on sheep wire that was small once or twice an then just moved him on to wire that was higher, took to it no bother. he just seemed to know what to to. the fence hes jumping now is about 3 or 4 ft high so i think i'll just keep him on that for a wile before anything bigger.
  3. thats so true! 99% of the time its the scum that own dogs who are to blame!
  4. Just read this and thought it might worth putting up here. Im sure it all stuff the majority on here already know but thought i'd share it anyway. i don't own or have ever owned one but i like the breed and think its a joke how they are treated and reported on. http://blogs.dogtime.com/kc-dog-blog/2010/07/denver-columnist-confirms-media-bias-in-over-reporting-stories-about-pit-bulls
  5. caol_an


    heres the link http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/natureuk/2010/05/have-you-seen-a-black-fox.shtml
  6. i got one a few weeks ago and wouldnt touch his food and wouldnt sleep in the kennel. After a day or two when he didn't eat the food first time or just took a few nibbles i took it off him and put him back in the run. it took about 2 days but he started eating then, he must have been starving but it worked. I wouldn't say that's the best way but it worked for me.
  7. How's it going? i just got a new lurcher dog last thurs or fri and he still hasn't stayed in the kennel. i thought he would go in after a night or two but hasnt. its been dry since he been here but today it started raining and he still lay out in the rain for hours. Hes 18 months and stayin in a run with a one year old springer bitch and a dog pup. theres two kennels in the run and the springer and pup stay in one leaving the other empty. there would even be enough room for the three of them in the big kennel. ive tried putting food in but he just takes it out. i thought it could be the scent
  8. There was a thing on BBC Newsline few weeks back about the Hare population. people from Queens done an all Ireland survey and they found that the Hare population was strongest and increasing where coursing happened because the Hares were looked after by the coursing clubs in those areas so bread more. the anti's must of loved that lol i tried to find it on their website after it was on the T.V but it wasn't there.
  9. was it on the news or what? post a link if there is one. cheers
  10. thanks for all the replies. i was thinking that it was something to do with the power. i was thinking about getting the lithium battery but its a bit dear for me just starting out specially since i was given the 2 7Ah batteries i have looked again at the deben lithium battery and is says its 10Ah. but with the different technology does this mean that this will last longer than cell batteries?? i think what i'm asking is would i be better to pay £150 for the lithium battery or between £ and £100 for the 14 - 20 Ah old type batteries? thanks again for replies and the link
  11. i have just started lamping and noticed that the batteries i have seem to run out in about an hour or so. they are 12V 7Ah. they had been lying since they were new until i used them. would the fact that they were lying cause them to run out quickly or is it because they're 7Ah. would i be better to buy a 20Ah. i no nothing about power or electric but im guessing the 20Ah would be better? what would most of you use? cheers
  12. cheers for the advice and links some good stuff there to read. the dogs are already fed a mix between raw and redmills. its just that the meat in the freezer ran out. i went to all my local butchers today and they all said that they dont do meat for dogs anymore. they said that nothing is wasted anymore and it all ends up in our sausages and whatever else lol
  13. im going to go to the butchers in the next few days so i was looking to know what everyone else gets. What different kinds of meat do you all get, chicken, beef ,lamb? would the butcher have stuff already minced do you think, or would they only do it when asked? how much should i expect to pay for a few weeks worth? cheers, caolan.
  14. haha this was on the news here yesterday http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/8303877.stm
  15. i'm going! it'll be my first time at it so really looking forward to it! the weather's supposed to be good enough too so happy days
  16. your doing well with only 2 riots lol
  17. he should of just went to the bar instead of showing himself up lol i hate him!
  18. thought it wouldn't last long lol i suppose it'd probably be illegal to sell a wild animal aswell haha
  19. i've heard of it before but its the price that's the shocker!
  20. http://www.donedeal.ie/for-sale/dogs/947786 Do you's think this is for real???
  21. I think I've found a decent spot, somewhere between Carrickmore and Ballygawley newbie question lol is that an air rifle your using in the video? it sounds like one to me but i didnt realise they could so so much damage to the rabbit if it was. i don't know anything about it so thought i'd ask dont think that was an air rifle mate, Wasn't me! just a lad I got talking to, he's dead on and I think it was a shotgun no bother
  22. I think I've found a decent spot, somewhere between Carrickmore and Ballygawley newbie question lol is that an air rifle your using in the video? it sounds like one to me but i didnt realise they could so so much damage to the rabbit if it was. i don't know anything about it so thought i'd ask
  23. there's supposed to be around 2000 wild deer in Donegal. i don't know how accurate this is tho.
  24. im 24 and had my first proper day hunting on the last day of the seasons in march. i haven't been off the site since, can't wait to get back out!
  25. Heres the link, just about to watch it myself now. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00km...eapon_Is_a_Dog/
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