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Everything posted by pandy

  1. funny thing is mate, that picture in the middle i know its not yours, cos i woke up naked next to them last week
  2. got same one mate i payed 400 for it some one is going to have a bargain
  3. f**k me it looks like some thing out of that film, saw
  4. pandy


    i wouldn use it, cant i only got a dog. just thought he was taking the piss. anyone know [bANNED TEXT] its called
  5. pandy


    a mate of mine tells me that you can get a jab to make a bitch come into season. does anyone know if this is true and if so. anyone know the name of it and is it safe. thanks
  6. must be someone out there looking for a nice little rabbiting dog?????????
  7. 21tts 11 month old whippet greyhound for sale. hes done a bit of fereting with the guy i had him of and iv had him out on the lamp about 6 times. he hasnt cought a rabbit on his own yet but come very clouse last night as the bunny turned him and sliped under the gate. iv droped a good few for him which the other bitch has cought and he retreves them well. im only selling him because i do like a bigger dog and need one for the permission we got. so if anyone is intrested just pm me and give me an offer.no sensilib offers refused. thanks the pandy. ps theres a photo of him in my profile. or will
  8. pandy


    cheers all for your advice. but i got something compleatly driffrent. a mate of mine found some duramitex used for pigeons cant get it no more tho but is exelent stuff..
  9. pandy


    hi, iv just bought a new dog and the little fecker has brought fles to my kennels so i go to buy some frount line and its almost 20 quid per dog. iv got 5. can anyone tell me a cheeper way of getting rid.
  10. THB mate, dont know y the dog aint found a good home. looks a boomer to me
  11. nothing wroug with him at all hes a cracking little dog. just aint had or seen one thats all. didn know how big they grow and was woundering if id been cought that all. thanks for the info well i thought i was a fast learner. just took him lamping with a good collie bitch. i know hes only ten months but i thought. give the littel feller a look and see [bANNED TEXT] happens. my god we droped a live one for him and he picked it up and brought pt to me...... i think iv got one hell of a dog for next season.....
  12. nothing wroug with him at all hes a cracking little dog. just aint had or seen one thats all. didn know how big they grow and was woundering if id been cought that all. thanks for the info
  13. hi all. as some of you might know iv been looking for a collie grey for my first lurcher in about ten years but as most of them was to far away to pick up i just bought my self a ten month old whippet x greyhound, sir whippet, dam greyhound.. but im just woundring coz it only stands about 21 tts have i just been told a pack of lies. or is that the size of some of them. i own 3 greys my self and just thought any pup out of one would have been bigger
  14. pandy


    iv just been on greyhound dater and theres one dog on there for 20k... 20k... like the dog aint dont f**k all. i know its got good blood but f**k me it must have got diemond nipples
  15. no mate no collie pure collie x in my neck of woods all bull x. not being funny but i dont like bull in a dog to hard mouth for me. just like the long ones and the bits
  16. nice looking bitch.... thats the one on the top left im on bout ha ha
  17. ih all, i joined this site a few weeks ago looking for a coliie x greyhound. iv had loads of replayes.thanks to them all for there suport.but aint found one near enoughf to pick up. i race greyhounds my self and have a cracking little bitch hear witch is due in so i thought f**k it ill breed my own. anyone think im doing as i only wont to keep a pair of bitchs for lamping would like some infor
  18. got a nice looking jack 6 mth old out of good stuff.mother and father doing the job on [bANNED TEXT] u like. looking 4 a swap 4 a working lurcher willing to do a deal for a lamping dog or bitch.
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