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Everything posted by polishunter1

  1. summo wrestler but had to give up had nappy rash .
  2. Hi mate as Bry said practice is the key got them all and all are for different uses but my best for catching by a mile is the trapline and can be expensive
  3. Hi guys if it was an Olympic sport and we had a gold medal it would count thoughts oh well .
  4. The goods haven't changed but there again it is rip off Britain all insurance company's look for a loophole to get out of paying take your money and run o well had my daily moan
  5. Hi Get yourself a tikka 243 stainless fully synthetic fella you'll be thinking what do I need a 308 for shoots spot on for the money enjoy mate.
  6. Try filling a container with oil stand it up for a while might get movement if shook or warm soapy water or hammer like I would do?feel the same mad but funny
  7. Hi try a long drill bit turning quietly or wire shotgun pull through best of luck
  8. Hi dan Simpsons of Leicester is good to deal with good discount prices and a pleasure to deal with keep him in mind
  9. Hi fella got 2 one on tikka stainless 243 and 17hmr glass outstanding think it's better than Schmidt bender use it with sniper cam and nm 800 ir good Nv
  10. Got a weiracht theoben stamped on barrel bought it long time ago as a project butt is split starting to Pitt free to good home no scope
  11. Someone on here looking for a cuckoo ???
  12. Hi fella buy hawk sidewinder with parallax and sniper cam it's the bogs dollux brilliant night vision take photos and video good luck
  13. You can compare the market . Com with them sergey
  14. If your looking for good stud I got a toy poodle 8tts
  15. How many do you want got 4 jobs be in Tenby Friday got to go leave your number free to good home good stock
  16. Hi There's a few in the conservative and Labour Party take your pick
  17. Seen one fighting a rabbit once hedgehog won on points .
  18. Hi fella first 3 months is hell but light at the end of the tunnel stopped me hunting for 2 yrs waiting now like a lurcher raring to go so single bed and pain killers all the best mate .
  19. that mole looks as if it came out of someone's hole
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