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Everything posted by polishunter1

  1. Hi just had 22 boxes of marksman -177 4.5mm pellets given me mate cleaning out old pub used for shooting practice anyone used them any good.
  2. Hi you could take him to the council cleansing dept where they have a scanner to detect chips used when cats get killed on road to find their owners worth a try .
  3. Hi fella got to agree with you bought evo 75 IR you won't be shooting the distance you can see with that torch guaranteed
  4. Hi Darren if you live close to me I can help catch the snares I use are outstanding bought off Andy arrow.anchors@btinternet.com
  5. Went out last night to try xq50f unbelievable what you see big game changer big thanks to Ian B
  6. Hi fella 

    just bought xq50f off Ian how did you navigate the settings nightmare any help grateful 

    1. Baldcoot


      The Little wheel on the front press till the menu comes up coloured flag at the top press again and number 1 comes up ,thats first colour pallete .Dial thru 1 to 7 to find a colour u like .Then scroll down to area ,3 pictures town ,woodland and urban,mines on the tree <woodland>.

      scroll down again to the next number roll 1 to 7 for different versions of the pallet .

      IF you pause for a minute the menu goes away ,turning the wheel 1 way is contrast and the other is brightness from 1 to 20 on both which is ridiculous brite.

      Then its just experiment to get it to your eyesight and preference .Front focus is big and rear focus is small adjustments.If still stuck Ian seems a sound fella and could probably explain it better than me atb

    2. polishunter1
  7. Who could these people be walshie are they aliens or are they sensible humans got to agree though the hornet smashes them same as 223 17 hmr OK but had too many misfires with ammo not regretting it .
  8. Your cheating it's got scales on its back
  9. Could it be me fella I love my hornet but on this subject I'd go for tikka stainless synthetic 243 even so I think the hornet will do the job no problem another subject is Foxtails still alive .
  10. Where's the cheapest are they coming down yet
  11. Well one thing they have in common they never leave their friends behind .
  12. Can't beat a leg of liver lol
  13. Keep rewarding her she'll get better
  14. Hi anyone going your way can deliver got a few you can have off working stock
  15. Hi got mine off gun trader waited 6 weeks from litts never come next day delivery synthetic stock not looked back just whistles down the wind a little beauty .
  16. Was a bus driver for 3 weeks had to give it up didn't like people talking behind my back .
  17. Hi everyone are they any good with hawk sidewinder do I have to spend fortune upgrading got sniper cam which is good cliff Ray has been helpful any input lads help.
  18. Well done lads that's what you call ratting
  19. Variation 1 for 1 got rid of hmr got a 17 hornet not looked back too many misfires with hmr
  20. You'll be telling me they cut cheese with wire next I expect.
  21. Hi Do you watch Jeremy Kyle before you go out hunting it clears your head
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