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billy the kid 1984

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Everything posted by billy the kid 1984

  1. go with advocat mate its the best thing in my opinion
  2. lol f**k that is funny you have the same sense of humour as me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. sounds like you have had a complaint bruv is your pen blocking any ones sun light into there garden or windows?
  4. The foot is in a trainer.... maybe it was him that caught them!!! Wonder if anyone has caught a hare with there bare hands lol.... Caught countless rabbits but not a hare... i have caught a few hares mate from leverets to big hares just picked them out the seat
  5. you use you tongue better then a £20 whore lol good bit of writing mate
  6. im another one who uses my socks.i used to use leaves but fingers allways went through the leaves!!! and grass always leaves you with a sore arse
  7. its up to him what he does mate!!! why you taking it so personally?
  8. YER AT LEAST SOME ONE NOS A GOOD DOG, he said nice looking dog mate witch it is a nice looking dog. but you cant go asking a grand for a dog that hasnt done any thing! get him killing 3 out of 3 in january and you could ask more than that!! but until then 250 max!!!
  9. i remember being shot at years ago when i was with a few mates. the farmer was on the other side of this big valley field it was full of flints and we could hear the bullets land on the flints near us! he was on his quad.to get back to the car we had to walk past his land rover say we shot all his windows out with our catapults
  10. i know mate we are all ment to be in this together giving each other advice and opinions not insults and piss taking.we all like a joke but some people are out just to make arguments ah, but you soon get to know the so called "hunters" on here, must be feckin touch typers in my opinion your probaly right mate
  11. i know mate we are all ment to be in this together giving each other advice and opinions not insults and piss taking.we all like a joke but some people are out just to make arguments
  12. spot on!!! some people are beginners just wanting advice and they get taken the piss out of
  13. they should be mate but i have seen pure salukis not fast enough to catch a rabbit.but the grey and whippet in it should put that bit of speed there and they will be able to run all nite saluki not fast enough catch a rabbit a whipet greyhound would stop running before a saluki mate they have loads of stamina i no thats why i put they will run all night mate. i mean on the lamp rabbits are in the hegde quick and i have seen salukis not quick enough thats all not starting an argument
  14. it puts the topic back to the top mate
  15. why do most topics end up in an argument! or people insulting and name calling to other people! its just because people do things different to other people. its so annoying you cant ever have a conversation with some one with out some one else critisisng you or calling you a name.i have seen it on so many topics! what does every one else reckon??
  16. they should be mate but i have seen pure salukis not fast enough to catch a rabbit.but the grey and whippet in it should put that bit of speed there and they will be able to run all nite
  17. i have allways got my dogs going at bout 8 months mate and it has never f****d them up.but every one does it different.so i dont want to be insulted or called names by any one which is how all the threads end up if you give your oppion on here cheers
  18. Just rabbits mate........ :Dhave to say well done ldr for doing it agen not a lot off people would have done it agen cos of all the shit what happend last time
  19. obviously never seen a good colliex pal collie cross!!!!!!!!! you couldnt give me one
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