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Everything posted by Mossberg12

  1. hiya,payment has been sent but not heard owt so can you please let me know whats happening? thanks
  2. best of luck with these pups ryan,im sure they will turn out crackers for whoever has one. top lad mike.
  3. thanks for the replys and help. mossberg
  4. hi,does anyone know where i can get a mk1 deben repaired in the south west/wales area? thanks
  5. hack,you are an oap mind! got 2 mitsys and they do the job. atb mossberg
  6. just noticed the same on my dogs back today??
  7. good to see you back on the bike after all your bad luck ali. best of luck with the remainder of the season. mossberg
  8. thanks fellas,makes the bad days all worth it when you get one of these on the end of a rod and line. tim,always welcome for a day out when ever you want.
  9. managed a personal best cod of 18lb today on my boat in the bristol channel.
  10. looking good tim,should be ready to have a look come the end of the season.hope she works out for you. mike
  11. they would probably work rabbits etc......but why on earth use a sire that not seen a days work on anything? just be honest with people when letting the pups go and its up to them to have them.i personally would want a proven bedlington dog and proven bitch.i think a bit more thought should of gone into this really. atb and be truthful to unsuspecting punters. mike
  12. red,my oppinion on working them is be patient and dont expect miracles too soon.they will do the job given patient,sensible entering.we must remember these are not black dogs.but they are capable of doing the hard graft if willing to put the time in. theres good and bad uns as in most breeds. mike
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