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leec last won the day on December 10 2010

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132 Excellent

About leec

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 01/02/1984

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  1. well he must be as u can see it wasn't me,,
  2. I got arrested for a conspiracy over 20 grands worth of gold you idiots then a month later they arrested me other these ferrets that went missing the same time all charges have been droped never even got a trial fooooools
  3. loads of game in Hampshire they took my dogs 3 times now got um back twice an just waitin now see how this one goes, stockbridge an local areas you will find what ever you want if don't pm me,,,
  4. tomo get a pair of seal socks mt there the best, I use chamu wellies an the chamu hiking boots,
  5. yea my pups doing well mate got one out tiny who is off tramp shes sister to prince back to a dog gorger bred out of fella, and one out a bitch weve run hard for four seasons out of copper x a stanly bred bitch back to a dog j,w bred, all good hare killers so time will tell
  6. when its time for me to buy a pup I have pay 5 6 7 hundred quid an travel to the other end of the country! bought pups off top lads of top breeding but none no better bred or looked after than these yet people insult the man with others of 100 quid it costs him more to worm an flea um never mind feed um, good luck nick I would have had him in a flash mate you can only have so many pups lol,,
  7. got a litter of pups here out th litter sister to prince back to a og gorger bred,
  8. serious lack of good ones and definitely would not take a hundred quid for 1 of mine, 10er a kit buy 10 your lucky to get a good one an you gotta wait a couple seasons to see exactly how good it is,
  9. ive got 2 pups on ready for stubble or id be on the way other mt good luck,
  10. I was giving 5 6 hundred for good bred pups 7 8 9 year ago if you don't want one don't buy it, I don't no how good these pups will turn out nor do any one else, but the man has done the best he can to put a decent litter together and I garentee they will be in tip top order and you will find no better rared pups where ever you look, top blood lines,best of rareing food an socialising, surely worth the mony!
  11. send me the old number through pm, was the father there? blk rough dog bout 11 inch the mother a strong type?
  12. these pups have had the best of rearing lads strong and healthy, the lads done um very well,,
  13. cheers mate sailor are one of mickys mates who come donwn to run a few reds,
  14. What??? I never said I slipped at 400 yards, read it properly. But, historically, when we used to be able to lamp foxes, you'd often find that your quarry would hold position until the dogs were near. Usually only running as the dogs became silhouetted in the beam. It's a shame you never got to experience running the big stuff as you'd have known that. Damn this bloody ban!!! it is a shame its a shame ive done enough lamping to no 400yrd slips dnt happen to often, as for big stuff Ive never caught nothing bigger than a rabbit lol
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