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About Rytex10

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  1. just orded the new landmark dvd, if its anything like the previous dvds done by james bradley it should be a fantastic dvd. These lads certainly know there stuff when it comes to catching coneys i had some ferrets off james last year and they have been the best ferrets i have ever worked,fantastic temperaments and a natural hunting instinct that is second to none, i know people will be thinking ferrets are all the same, trust me these that i had off james surprised me. if you ever want to add young ferrets to your own stock give james a call you will not be disappointed i just wan
  2. spaniel championship videos and dvds wanted anything considerd many thanks
  3. Yeah i thought he would of been on here, i think i payed around a tenner for each which you might think is a bit much but i think it was reasonably, they have turned out to be some of the best ferrets i have ever owned just wanted to know if any body else had some and if they were as happy with theres as i am with mine thanks
  4. James Bradley is the chap that does the Rabbiting dvds such as `A fistfull of ferrets etc` he often advertises his ferrets in the countrymans weekly and advertisers them as coney catcher lines which he carried on from Phil Lloyd i was told. many thanks
  5. just wondering if any of you ferreters have got any ferrets from James Bradley of landmark pest control (coney catcher lines). If you have how are you getting on with them and are you happy with them, i myself have two jills and a hob and i am realy pleased with them many thanks
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