why dont you get a single barrel to learn the basics of safe handling they are as cheap as owt then it will give you more time, experience to decide exactly what you want.
av had loads of experiance ratting my beddy/whippet died a while ago so av got no ratting dog just now but i could come up and show you how to go on with your dog if your interested av still got all my gear,or i can send you a pm letting you know what you need and how to go about it,ps av got my own farms so am not just trying to get a day out.
i know the sire to these pups very well,have seen him take everything,no reverse gear,dont be put off by the low price of these pups,if i had known a couple of months ago you were breeding i would have had one straight away.
i am from that area and i cannot believe anyone could do this to a dog,as far as i know it was a greyhound found in bedlington with its ears cut off i could be wrong though.,obviously not a dog man,just a prick who uses then dumps eh.
ive got a first cross exactly same as this 21 inch whippet dam beddy sire they will tackle anything if entered properly,that dog is for nowt really you would have him all summer to bring on for the back end good luck with the sale [bANNED TEXT] suprised its still there.
thanks to everyone for your advice will try stripping him as i got him clipped last year and is is as thick as owt like some of you said,many thanks for info.