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Everything posted by stabba

  1. Sounds like the pup only lacks confidence...don't forget that everything is alien to her at the minute. She'll soon come round with age and the confidence will grow day by day. In another 6 months you'll feel a right tit when she's flying through cover wondering why in the hell you posted on here about it. Most terriers/terrier types will bush. The trick is not to rush them and let em find their own pace at entering. atb stabba
  2. No location you messer !! Use your imagination wee man
  3. Dog now sold to an imaginary Scotsman for a lot less than the asking price
  4. How's about you all hypothetically FCUK OFF
  5. Imaginary 2 year old lurcher Dog For Sale Dog is 24tts Fawn in colour and broken coated Lives outdoors and is quiet in kennel with no issues of noise at all the dog will obey all basic commands ie sit..stay..retrieve and walk to heel the dog is 100% stock broken (although it is a lifelong thing that needs reinforcing) imo. The dog is a genuine first x collie/greyhound bred from a hill/farm working collie dog to a distance racing greyhound bitch of decent breeding. The dog has only been used for lamping rabbits which he is pretty good at with a decent catch rate which are all delivered li
  6. Think alot of the trouble is how they word their advert. Give as much honest info on the advert to start with then it'll imo stop the genuine questions that don't need to be asked being asked. This is when the trouble tends to start. Why you gettin rid...what's the dog done workwise...is it quiet in kennel...does it have good recall...is it stockbroken.....these questions have a habit of spiralling out of control as these questions are being asked. To answer the question before its asked would at least be a start. jmo though..atb stabba
  7. 7 days for me today. On 24 strength at the mo but dropping to 18 when i've run out. Tobacco flavour for me. That Fruit flavoured stuff is sickly.
  8. Your old man took 150 a season....... It's a true statement. I know some of the lads SHH Dad used to go out with. Question is Baw. Have you been out with the Brick?? If not..Why not?? not a dig..just a genuine question they used to do 20 in a week with dv and b sometimes stabba It was easy done on the right land back in the day tbh.
  9. Your old man took 150 a season....... It's a true statement. I know some of the lads SHH Dad used to go out with. Question is Baw. Have you been out with the Brick?? If not..Why not?? not a dig..just a genuine question
  10. Poor form if you ask me. But a sound gesture by Darcy
  11. i wonder how many of their hits was penned by Lennon and McCartney? One maybe if they were lucky
  12. Lets put it this way. If the Beatles were to start now they wouldn't get a single song in the top 100. The only reason they they cut it back then was because they filled a niche. Clean cut poppy shite till they all got wrecked on LSD then the rot started to set in. The Who and Rolling Stones were proper rock and roll bands and way more talented than the Fab Bore.
  13. Day 3 and i'm buzzing about the place doin all sorts of odd jobs lol. Surprising how much free time you have not sat smoking.
  14. Are there certain lines that are prone to be a bit quick tempered?? If i got one it'd be worked mainly with just the 1 lurcher 2 at most . So it wouldn't be worked with strange dogs much at all. Just the dogs from the same yard so to speak.
  15. Ray Davies of the Kinks blinded those Scouse pricks for song writing talent.
  16. Devil Comes Back To Georgia is class aswell with Johnny Cash as Narrator
  17. If i was just going to out and out dig Lucky then a Pat would be my first choice. But as it is the vast majority will be pushing cover. The odd dig will be welcome but like i say..It will be the odd one .
  18. Ffs Scot...... A lanyard is sooooooooooo gay lol. You'll be wearing Pringle socks with sandals next
  19. a plummer should suite u then. Yup it would mate. What doesn't suit me though is the in house back biting between different owners/breeders Suppose 1 will pop up eventually
  20. I'm not slagging the Plummer as a terrier. I quite like them. What i do have a gripe with is the price tag and the "don't buy off so and so because their dog's are shite". All i want is a likkel dog that will work cover like a trooper , hunt a few rats, and maybe get the odd dig from. Not into keeping dogs just to breed off so that won't be an issue. Working ability above all else is what i require.
  21. Bang on.... From the way some are talking...I need to pay about £400 for one just to make sure its healthy and of the right lineage. Seems the more you pay..the better it looks but the less chance you'll have of it working. Mental or what
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