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Everything posted by stabba

  1. Day 14 for me. Sleeping terrible...sinuses are killing and getting heartburn summat chronic. Hopefully these will pass soon but apart from that everything is going to plan. Gunna drop the strength soon from 24mg to 18mg. Tried last week but struggled so stayed on 24mg for a while longer. I'm looking at wrapping the e cig in within 6 weeks all being well.
  2. Whats the craic there then?? always found him to be a decent kid. Had dealings with him on a couple of occasions and never any problems. Shame he's gone coz he was one of the better sweaty's
  3. Could it be teething??? just a thought.
  4. The vet had the gall to charge you again?? And prescribed no anti biotics for the infection?? swift change of vets and a complaint in if it were me.
  5. Quick question...Hypothetical of course...you go away on holiday...You want to put the kids in the kids club ..say 11am to 5pm. Now there are 2 kids clubs...one run by a hetro couple and the other run by a gay couple. Both have the exact same facilities and qualifications and both cost the exact same fees. Which do you choose. Same as the adopting business. I'd like to think that preference is given to hetro couples but i know for a fact that in the future large numbers will be adopted by the gay community(or gays given preferential treatment) simply because of the discrimination they so loudl
  6. You, if all he wants is too blow up Like a balloon..... take that back this minute
  7. Any exercise is good exercise regardless what it is. Shroom..i think you know who to listen to on here and who not to.
  8. If you are not happy. Then get the same vet to look at it again and voice your concerns. If by this stage you are still not happy then get another vet to look at it.
  9. Yup..sentence already decided over a power lunch and a nice little monetary incentive for the judge. Corrupt set of immoral spineless bstards
  10. Good offer that...Be ideal for the dogs
  11. Get ready for the discrimination lawsuits going in by the gay community because they have been bypassed for adoption. Just because they can now marry does not give them the right to automatically adopt a child. Hypothetical at the moment..but a soon to be real prospect. adoption is a hard enough process already for hetro couples. surely there'll have to be stricter guidelines for same sex couples. Which by my thinking..will make it nigh on impossible for gays to actually meet the criteria to adopt.
  12. yup..never write man utd off..they have a nasty habit of pulling off results when it counts..and this tournament means alot to them..an awful lot.
  13. You drink on them Pete..You are gunna get in a serious state...
  14. What next? Having to give up your seat on the bus to the gay community. Thousands of hetro couples out there willing to adopt / foster. How many rights do these gay folk need?? How about making it easier for the hetro couples to adopt/foster rather than bending over backwards to accomodate the minority. Trust me..it won't stop at adoption. You honestly think Elton John and his boyfriend got that baby on merit. Like fcuk..money talks.
  15. Yup we haunted the mexbrough maggot farm..was there a good 3 or 4 times a week.....came home honking
  16. Could'nt give a shite either way just lettin the lad know just incase he gets stress from anyone
  17. Releasing a rat live out of a trap for dogs is classed as baiting....just letting you know
  18. Forgot to add Ice cream to the diet lol, I eat about 3 litres a week 1 litre a day..preferably 1 hour before bed
  19. Ice-Cream...worked for me..plus i'm an idle bstard which helps lol. Seriously i went up to 16 stone from 14 and half stone in about 4 months on the ice-cream fad
  20. stabba


    Clocks go forward a hour tonight folks don't forget
  21. E cig is an AID to stop smoking. Trouble is most folk tend to end up relying on the E cig after the initial withdrawel has passed. I'm going for a 6 week programme of finishing with everything to do with smoking. But each to their own. If they like the E cig then i aint gunna berate them for it.
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