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Everything posted by stabba

  1. Odds are that whatever get's found..if anything at all...the Mcmurderers will discount..just like everything else that has ever pointed at them being the culprits. Read the police interview transcripts..then look at all the evidence...blood in the apartment..cadaver dogs giving positive reading for a dead body in the apartment..the list goes on. But when you have friends in high places then anything can be rebuked. If that had happened here they'd have been doing time a long time ago.
  2. Pip 1968 has calipers..but not digital
  3. Nice to see a thread starting from scratch to hopefully the finished article. Looks a lovely little thing mate.
  4. The lad is a good lad in reality. Uses this place as most do for a laugh and a wind up. What's so bad about using using an older dog to enter a youngster on certain quarry??? or was it just the term"pilot" that brought about 11 pages? I'm willing to bet at some stage most of you have ran an older dog with a sapling on certain things to get em going despite your protestations .
  5. If you don't want to shell out for a lithium then a 17amp sealed lead acid will last hours mate
  6. Lithium too pricey then get a sealed lead acid 17 amp...Last hours on a 100w bulb.
  7. Depends what bulb is in the cyclops tbh. If it's 100w then you'll be needing a 14amp + battery.
  8. Nice healthy fat splodges...bitch looks well also..nice to see a proper cared for brood.
  9. Just wait until it starts picking at it's grub . But i'd say around 6 months like's already been said. By around 10 month i'd have mine on one meal aday.
  10. Caught 2 foxes in the past with snares round their belly mate once dug a vixen with a snare scar round her middle too.
  11. Don't confuse wind with drive in the bullx's. Fitness is a must in bullx's if you want em to go all night. Most go just on drive alone. Most think just because a pitbull can do it's job well that a x breed will do the same. Wrong. A pure bull in scratch condition is took to the peak of fitness and he's got there by men who are maticulous in what they do. If it's natural wind you want..x to a coursing/saluki blooded hound. That'll increase the bullx's chances of being able to stay that bit longer.
  12. Fact still remained he tampered with a 15 year old. Whether he knew at the time is irrelevant. 15 is 15...Not 15 but looks 18...fif fcukin teen. In my book that's noncing. Hope the cnut does a decent thing by swinging the dirty nonce.
  13. A smoker doesn't lay on the bed in the family home with a pin sticking outta his arm on a nicotine trip. Neither does a drinker. But i will say this. If you are a smackhead..cokehead...alkie..and you die of the said substance then tough shite. Look at Gazza and George Best...alkies who threw all the help they had given or offered straight back in people's faces...selfish cnuts Odds on poor likkel Peaches has had help in the past and decided she knew best by diggin that filth. All of the above will make you lie..cheat..konive..rob ..and in some cases literally make you sell the clothes off
  14. He tampered with a 15 year old mate. Just that alone deserves the 8 years.
  15. Top one for sale by me. I got this off Longers7 as a replacement for another . Can't see me ever using it tbh. No bands or tubes fitted. Make me a decent offer and if it's accepted it's your's to own. Atb stabba
  16. Says it at it is. How long afore he is accosted by the thought police for having so called racist views and airing them in public.
  17. Excellent result. Let this be a warning to all the other So called Celeb's who thought they could have a tamper and get away with it.
  18. Just look at how it fcuked Zammo up Just say no
  19. So a heroin user is ok if he works and leads a normal life?? What happens when the money runs out?? Now take Peaches. Her own mother died of drugs yes? So you'd expect her to steer clear of the stuff yes? No..she does the exact opposite then ruins her own kids lives into the bargain. Every heroin user who dies from overdose is pathetic. They tear the family apart by their own selfish actions. Now lets get onto accidental overdose. Simple. Just by not using the drug in the first place cures that. Heroin is heroin whichever way you dress it up. Whether it's used by the skanky back street user
  20. It is easy to judge...you are either a scag head or you're not. You either stick the shit in your veins or you don't. And if you do and you go over then it's no ones fault but your own. Then when you leave a couple of kids behind because of your disgusting habit then i think everyone is entitled to judge you. This woman was born with 2 choices. Rip your family apart or don't due to a scag habit. She chose the scag route. Just because she went over we all have to say what a nice person she was?? fcuk that..she was no better than the scag heads on the run down estates who'd rob their own mother
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