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Everything posted by stabba

  1. Tom is a genuine lad and a nice lad also. Pups are there..if you want one get one ...if not find an advert that floats your boat.
  2. Get em out behind the bike...better than any treadmill.
  3. stabba


    And as for the Universe expanding...must be true because my waistline is doing the same
  4. stabba


    God created the Big Bang ffs. There..problem solved oh and please don't ban me for speaking the truth
  5. Wasnt on the a19 was it Yes mate, somewere near Tollbar i believe. On the way to askern. I saw it meself. Know of a few places that seem to produce them on a regular basis
  6. I've said this before and i'll say it again. i've tried just complete and just raw. No difference in the dogs health stamina or weight. Only difference is the amount of shite you have to clear up on complete. That said i feed raw exclusively and am happy to so. But if the Raw ever became counter productive to source then i've have no hesitation on going back to complete.
  7. stabba


    So after 35 pages this is where we are. No-one can prove there is a God And no-one can prove there isn't a God So what's the big oohh aahhh about
  8. A good fit healthy dog with a good owner who has a decent level of dog/kennel management will not reach for anti biotics at every turn. Working a dog that is under the weather or not managed properly health wise will be the one that is most in need of a jab now and again. But seeing as we are all excellent kennel men i'm surprised there's a need for biotics at all from working injuries unless prescribed by a vet.
  9. So if that were the case....every inbred/linebred line would eventually throw to the dams side with no traits from the sire at all.......i think lol
  10. I may have some more next week mate..if i do i'll drop you a pm
  11. stabba


    Put your faith in what religion you want...but you'll still be buried next to the heathen who didn't give a shite. Live life now and enjoy it coz your'e a long time dead
  12. Got about 20kg of lamb bones here for sale. Freezer is full so these are surplus. Ribs backs necks etc etc. £10 buys em. South yorks area(2 mins from highgate dog track). Pm for more info
  13. Flirting with drugs and alcohol most of his adult life won't have helped matters at all. A comic genius imo. And like most geniuses slightly mentally puddled. A man who made millions of people laugh but couldn't seem to find the laughter for himself. God speed Robin.
  14. £££££££££££££££££££££££'s mate pure and simple. There are feed out there that cater for dodgy guts and at a fraction of that price...scour the net and ask for some free samples.
  15. There's alot more young drivers who are a danger on the road as there are older drivers
  16. I still stick by my claim that in the early 70's nonses were virtually unheard of. Granted they will have been there...just that we'd never had the exposure(pardon the pun) to them as they have today. Don't forget there was just 3 telly channels back then and the wireless. As for Saville and co being nonses...yes they were but they hadn't been outed at that time. Not once did i ever think i was gunna get tampered with or abducted whilst out playing. Nowadays you cant send the bairn to the shop 30 yards away without needing a police escort. Shame really.
  17. The days are gone when as 8 or 9 year old you could wander and roam wherever you wanted and play till you got hungry and had to go home. I know i wouldn't turf my youngsters out like that anymore due to the dodgy adults that are lurking. Tbh that'd be my only fear. Early 70's when i was a nipper nonses were not heard of. Think alot of it nowadays is that kids need a constant eye kept on them whilst out because of dodgy characters.
  18. Equal mixture. But the Mentality can be swayed by the dam. Remember the pups spend the first six weeks with the dam and get a helluva lot of traits from her. ie if the bitch is really aggressive there's a good chance a larger percentage of the pups could turn out the same way.
  19. Lets get this right...i've never used filters ...never felt the need to....now i want to try one...infact thinking of using a T20 with the green led....all i needed to know is will the dog still run ok on a green beam
  20. So they had no problem running the beam with the filter on?
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