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Everything posted by stabba

  1. Tidy kennel mate...much better than i could ever do
  2. stabba


    I'll ask again. Has anyone on here either had Got speak to them Or God communicate to them through other methods. If so What did God sound like or how did he communicate.? Genuine question.
  3. Islam is the enemy here...not black white brown yellow. Islam. Pure and simple. Everyone has seen it in some shape or form. Every colour mentioned is not a problem. It's the faith they worship that's the propblem. And that problem is Islam. The sooner the Government realise that Islam is a religion that wants to take over the whole world the sooner something will be done. As it stands ...the Government haven't the backbone for fear of being labelled Racist . How the frig can you be racist towards a religion. Yu'd think being educated at Oxford and Cambridge that defining between race and reli
  4. Maybe so mate...but i'd prefer the extra £4 then that way i've got aftersales and Guarantee. Would you give a full refund after a few weeks of hard wear then the trousers started to split or leak?? I'm not having a dig mate...just pointing out that for an extra £4 i'd have most eventualities covered by warranty from the shop
  5. stabba


    Quick question...has anyone actually ever had God speak to them? Or communicate in some way? if so..what did God sound like? or what method of communication was used? genuine question and not a piss take.
  6. Yup no brainer. Same as Ted Bundy as a child. same as Liam Brady as a child. Everytime it'd be curtains for the wee one.
  7. He fought the law..and the law won He fought the law .. and the law won Altogether now
  8. The same policeforce that used illegal methods in the miners strike. The same policeforce that lied and covered up evidence in the hillsborough disaster. Hardly surprising is it.
  9. stabba


    Explain diamonds?? they take tens of thousands of years to develop. Explain the early cave drawings/paintings. Now here's the thing. We've evidence of early man + dinosaurs and such. Why is there no evidence of the Crucifixion?? i mean actual material . Not writings/ramblings by so called disciples and scholars. Please don't tell me the Shroud of Turin is actually authentic . You would think that such a monumental event would have produced physical evidence somewhere(apart from the written word that has been proved to have been doctored over the years to suit whoever was in power at the
  10. Nice put together bitch that Goldie
  11. Confine the bitch to one room..ie the kitchen. You could always crate her for short periods(no pun intended) also which will cut down on the mopping of the flow.
  12. stabba


    Step into the light child I have exorcised the demon This house is now clean
  13. Tell you how bad it is...My mate's son was being bullied at school by the same crowd of Asians all the time. So his dad (my mate) went round to have a word. Got a little heated and they 3 1'd him. Eventually stabbing him to death.
  14. Some bull types will just bite harder the more you thrash them. doesn't matter how sturdy the stick or whatever. A good knowledge of how to break a bull breed off, helps a whole lot. Sad i know but the amount of bull types floating about now means at some time or other you are going to come into some sort of contact. A second or 2 is all it should really take and thus saves one hell of a vet bill. Edited to add...i hope your Mother is ok mate and not too distressed about the whole thing and hope the tyke makes a speedy recovery
  15. A mount you can never tire of looking at. Or if you do...Just spin it round a fraction then you have the glory of looking at it from a different angle. May sound a stupid idea...but i bet you could mount that that on a really slow turntable to get the best of every angle. Like i say ...probably a silly idea
  16. That's um . Not as heavy as you'd think either
  17. Were they these ones. Buckler Looking myself for some new welly's, been looking at the safety ones like above and some of the Grubb's range as well I dont really like the style of them with the neoprene top's....but i need something really strong and sturdy and built to last Grubb's SINDASOX Get some of them Dunlop ordered mate. The ones with the steely and thermal insulated. I got a pair a while back. The soles are a good 1 and 1/2 inch thick.
  18. Have any of the Muslim Clerics publicly denounced the actions of these so called Muslim perpetrators? If not why not? Saying that..The labour run council being what it is..they'll want this swept under the carpet quick smart so as not to cause any racial unrest. A fella has already camped outside Rotherham police headquarters and is on hunger strike until the chief of police resign's or is pushed from his job. Can see a few more gathering meself which imo won't end up well for all concerned
  19. stabba

    Kate Bush ?

    But she's nae Leo sayer............ Leo..another national treasure
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