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Everything posted by ally

  1. thanks so just stick to the back of the house where she brings the dummy back to me and she dosent get distracted till she is abit older then thanks ally
  2. she brings the dumb back in the garden and out side the garden i have a big lane at the back of the house where she cant get bay me but saying that in the lane she brings the dumby to my hand and in the garden to so this is why i tryed her with the park is this wrong what i am doing thanks ally
  3. my lab puppy is 5 months old she picks the dumb up in the garden but when i go to the park with her she disnt bother with the dumby when i throw it she runs to it and then sniff the ground and disnt bother with it . is there somthing im doing wrong ,her recall is good she is good on the lead and off she sits and stays , how do i make it fun for her or is it cause its new to her i have had her at the park a few times but this was the first time with the dumby this is my first gun dog any help would be good thanks ally
  4. hi all just wanted to no if benelli chokes can fit beretta new to the forum thanks ally
  5. hi all i am ally and new to the forum i do the pigeon shooting,wildfowling, ferreting, lamping with the dogs. thanks allhttp://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/victory.gif
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