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About RaiderBoy

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 02/04/1993

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  1. I was feeling low the other day, so I went to confession. "I've been having terrible thoughts Father", I began. "I keep having a recurring dream about a young boy, who must be at least 8, coming into my bedroom at night. He gently wakes me, I brush his golden locks with my fingers, pinch his chubby cheeks before he gives me an amazing blow job. Am I paedophile father?" There was a pause and a cough from the next booth. "Paedophile is such a strong word", muttered the Priest,"Now this fat little blonde boy....what was he wearing?...."
  2. Go on my last thread and say that! Richard
  3. I went to see a fortune teller with my wife today. "Sit down," she smiled, placing her hands on my palms. "Your two boys will have long successful careers." "Ooh," my wife whispered. "She knows that we've got two boys." "You will grow old with the love of your life," the fortune teller carried on. "With a woman whose name begins with 'S'." "Oh my god," I burst out, turning to my wife. "Your sister's name is Sarah!" "And my name's Sandra, you c**t!" Manager goes into his meeting room to meet his 4 employees. He tells them that due to the current economic climate, h
  4. on a similar note (but non hunting related), when I was at school I had a mate who had a GSD called Kissy.....WTF! There's a few like that around here, you wonder what goes through their heads when they name their dogs. On the other hand i once had a beagle that i named franky. Richard
  5. They named it after what their parents call you when your not around. Richard
  6. By letting my mother name them. Now i have four ferrets named Archy, Amber, Mona and Honey. Up until sept last year i had a female Boxer called Lucy and now we have a friggin cat called Ruby. Richard
  7. smack in yhe mouth you want you little sick c**t

  8. Popped ???.. ;..... Popped Verb: 1. Make a sudden, sharp, explosive sound. 2. Cause (something) to burst , making such a sound: "they were popping ballons with darts". Hope thats cleared the air for you mate. Richard
  9. Ive had it before, i rather enjoyed it too! Richard
  10. Thousands of tonnes of lead shot are discharged over rural Britain. Lead shot is harmful to wildlife preying on shot birds and can leave poisonous residue in the soil, lakes and rivers. I find this funny. 1 Tonne = 1000000 grammes An average cartridge contains 36 grammes of shot i think, so that would mean 27777.8 Carts had to be fired to make 1 tonne of lead. To make the quoted 1000 tonnes of lead that would need to be 27777777.7778 carts fired. I'm not sure how many carts are fired each year in britain but it cant be that much. Just using 'Pure Gold - 30 gram Felt' which w
  11. In that Mr Nice? The famous drug smuggler? Thats what i was thinking, Howard Marks. Pretty sure he's the welsh bloke on my sta nav. Richard
  12. Well if your just giving it a go i suggest you buy cheap at first and then move to the more expensive stuff if you get into it. This is just my recomendation, others may chose differently but if i was to spend a day going for trout on a river this is the kit i would chose. Rod- http://www.dragoncarpdirect.com/products/%22Azure%22-Match-Rod-%252d-3pce-12ft.-Waggler.html Reel- http://www.dragoncarpdirect.com/products/%22Azure-FD-300%22-Match-Reel.html Along with some 6lb line and various other bits and bobs. You should easily be set for under £40, that way if you get bored you havent lost
  13. For a start what method are you going to be using to catch these trout? On the fly? Using worms, maggots etc?
  14. RaiderBoy


    Reminds of the guy who tried to shoot a wart off his finger using a 12 guage he supposidly found under a hedge, resulting in the loss of his finger. Bellend! Richard
  15. Havent seen any martins around here for about 2-3 weeks but there's one or two flying around the street now, my only thought is there from further north and are just riding out the last of the good weather. Totaly un-related to wildlife but the ferrets are suffering too, their coats were starting to thicken which leaves them close to over heating in the day time. This week is the first time ive actually seen them go over their chests in a tray of water i put in there. Poor buggers must really be suffereing. Richard
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