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Everything posted by hutch6

  1. I take my hat off to you LB and others on this thread. Three Talpex and three Flatpack tunnel traps arrived and were set. In one session of laying them I have four moles in the freezer awaiting delivery to a friend for their taxidermy skills. Now it's just a matter of working areas one at a time I guess as the fields are rife with hills. I went up yesterday with a rake and spread all of the hills out so I could see new movement in areas. The fields have molehills on pretty much all four sides. There are two fields in question and they are in turn next to other fields (where I have
  2. A natural instinct is just that, something that the animal is inclined to do. Association is can be argued to enhance that instinct. I got into this lark through rescueing a sight hound mix. I took her out and put her in front of some rabbits and yes, she gave chase. On a few occasions I thought she could have taken a couple but didn't really know what to do. I fed her some skinned rabbit, then some half rabbits with fur on and then some whole rabbits. Took her out again and she nailed the first rabbit she got in striking range of. Was that transition made because of what I fed her
  3. What are you on about? You are happy with what you feed your dogs, don't have any questions about the food or the ingredients or if it's the best for your dog so this thread wasn't aimed at you. It's aimed at people that are unsure of how good the food they are giving there dog is and is there a better food out there etc. As you stated within your posts, you didn't read the whole post as it was causing your eyes to fall out, your lurcher was fit and healthy throughout its working life and died at the ripe old age of 14years. So yes, even if you did read the whole post it wasn't applicable
  4. Farm shops, butchers or just a supermarket if it's to tie them over.
  5. The original post was there to help people make an informed choice of wether the food they were feeding their dogs was "the best" they could for their budget by explaining the ingredients listed on the side of commercial pet food products, I didn't mention feeding anything else. I mention cereals but I state that they are not effecient in delivery of poteins. Can a dog or wolf survuve on cereals alone? Yes. Can they thrive? No. That was the main point - "To get the best out of your dog try and make sure you are putting the best you can into it". I have read the paragrpahs you have written
  6. That tiger stock goes really well with your lepoard print game bag. You could sew a stock sock with your sewing machine
  7. We were on a stag do in Prague and had landed not more than three hours before, dumped the bags, headed straight out early doors and fell through the doors of the first boozers we could find. We were all mates anyway through football and general alcohol related activities so it was straight in with the banter and piss taking. A few of the finest bavarian lagers were swoshed down and everybody started to get a bit louder, a bit more jovial and generally pissed. We decided to to head towards Charles' Bridge but have a look out for boozers along the way and call into as many as we possibly co
  8. hutch6

    Name The Film

    "None us could breathe; somwehere under those bushes was the rest of Ray Bower"
  9. hutch6

    Name The Film

    Is that The BIg Lebowski?
  10. Your vets advised you to put the dog to sleep as it can pass this disease on through it's urine to you, your family, other dogs, other wildlife, people who come into contact with where your dog has pissed etc the list goes on. If you are walking your dog anywhere and it urinates then that is a hazardous area to anything that isn't innoculated against it. I couldn't live with knowing I am responsible for infecting folk and animals because my dog's pissed somewhere. Here are a few facts about it for you: Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria. It can lead to potentially
  11. Rabbits have always bred all year round, it's nothing new, that's why they are so valued for meat etc because they can produce up to 5 litters per year due to only a one month gestation period. Hares too can breed all year round depending on food availability but their main season is Jan-late Aug. More sympathetic farming methods would mean a greater number of hares. I guess more sympathetic slips too
  12. Only if you take your pets there and not to the other one.
  13. You are feeding a food that has preservatives in it that kill bacteria sdo the food doesn;t rot and yet these kill the bacteria in your dog's stomach that ot needs to break downa nd get the maximum it can from the raw stuff you feed. It's counter productive in a way. Try and feed boiled rice or mashed spuds if you want to bulk up the food but the pup should be fed only 5-10% of it's body weight per day in raw anyway.
  14. Was discussing this exact subject on another foum. The vets local to me are good and know their stuff as they are a small pets practice but the first question they ask is "Is the animal insured?" which to me suggest they are in it for the cash rather than the animal care. They have Hills etc in reception as do most vets as they sponsor a lot of practices. My issue with them comes when I ask for a repeat prescription of Previcox for the third time they always ask to see him for a consultation. I ask why and they say they want to monitor his progress. The dog has no hip sockets so they aren'
  15. There are various theories as to why dogs eat other dog's stools: The eater is getting insufficient nutrients from the food they are getting and as such will either eat their own or that of a dog that has passed nutrient rich food. If a dog is feed a poor complete with little meat content and comes across a dog's stool that was fed a nutrient rich diet (i.e. raw) then there is more nutrients in the stool as the dog on the other diet hadn't absorbed all of the goodness. Can dogs smell nutrients? I think they can tell if something is nutritious by smelling it, after all their sens eof smell
  16. Gnipper is spot on. All bones are skeletal and therefor all carry weight but avoid leg bones like the plague as the prolonged high intestity stress they are subjected to casues them to splinter when gnashed on. Cooked ones are like sticks anyway.
  17. Your aunt and cousin need to get the pup and go to dog training classes. It will teach them to communicate with the dog, a vibration collar won't create a bond with the dog at all.
  18. Other than an extremely painful death I can honestly say I am not fearful of anything really, even with an extremely painful death once you're dead you're dead and can't feel it anymore. Looking into your loved one's eyes as you die and know you can't spend more time with them, that's gotta be a kick in the balloons. Spiders, open water, heights, clowns, etc. just don't get my short and curlies retreating.
  19. Stabba who drew Joe Pesci in your avatar as it looks like the love child of Ray Davies and Johnny Cash?
  20. Have you fed the dog a rabbit yet? Give it the back end of a rabbit with a bit of fur on for it's tea, that should give it an idea.
  21. It's a pup and all pups have teeth for is biting. They learn bit einhibition through chomping on litter mates. Pup bites, other pup squeals, pup learns hwo much pressure to exert to cause pain. Pup get's bit understands how it feels when they bite other pups who make the same nouise when they chomp on them. Simple. If you family have been allowing the pup to bite and mouth because it's cute etc then all they have to do is anytime the3 pup starts to get a bit mouthy is to shout "No!" and walk away which stops all interaction with the dog. The pup does not bite for "no reason" it has rea
  22. Does that include Monsters Inc?
  23. What's she like on the rabbits mate? :D :D Love the Northern and most spitz Breeds. Cracking looking example of the breed bud.
  24. Exactly, hence my paragraph - Cereals and grains, that we class as carbs, are only used in complete dry foods as they are a cheap filler, to make bigger bags or portions nothing else, they do fudge all to your dog other than cause no end of issues.
  25. Guidelines for canine diets, following scientific gubbings, put carbs at about 4-7% of the diet. Most complete foods have a carb content around 65-%.
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