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Everything posted by hutch6

  1. Exactly!! It's the link before wolf and dog became two species (could eb even before wolf, dog, fox, jackal and other canids split) that holds the key. This "link" somehow evolved with a discarded or lapsed "wild" gene.
  2. Hmmmm. I'd have to refer you to the San Diego (apparently it means Whale's Vagina in German ) Wolf Park who have been trying to find the stage in a pup's development where they can domesticate them. Straight from birth up until 30weeks and they still cannot domesticate them despite them being born from captive wolves. They cannot contain them with wire fences etc and a few even learned how to open the gates in order to escape. Now, if modern humans with high chain link fencing and bolts on gates can't contain them, how do you suggest pre-iron age man domesticated them and ensured they di
  3. He didn't bash any rabbits though. He shot bugger all. BUGS 4 EVA!!!!!!!
  4. hutch6


    Wasn't this Ireland's entry one year?
  5. Went up Skiddaw for my father's 60th but when we reached the top the weather had closed in and we couldn't see anything. On top of that the weather wrecked the camera and at one point my father said "We'd better head back of somebody could die!" Told him to man up and then had to hold the girlfriend between us so she didn't blow away :D Anyway, as you can see Skiddaw from my parent's back garden I went up the next summer and we waited for a nice day and then pegged it to get up there before the weather caught us out again. This time we made it to the top on a clear day and we went up the Wai
  6. That top pic is the little girl's route up Scafell :laugh: :tongue2: I was taking my 63yr old father up and the big fat hairy collie has no back hips so we didn't do well. It was a shit walk as it was so busy but I will never forget my dad's bonding moment with the fat collie. He hates dogs so I got three of 'em :D He loves the fat one now though due to an episode on the way up to the roof of England.
  7. Actually........ :laugh: Windermere is a "mere" That would be Bassenthwaite. The rest are waters or meres.
  8. Great view from about two thirds of the way up Scarfell Pike: Oh hang on a minute.
  9. Did you get the wedged dead one out from under the bath or is still there, rotting?
  10. I've been accepted under a federal skilled worker application for Canada and Australia. Calgary is the place I'd choose. Big city, got The Stampede and the Rockies are only a couple of hours drive away. It's constantly in the top 5 places to live in the world for quality of life, quality of air and prospects. I'd love to live there for a few years and then buy a bit of land in New Brunswick or Nova Scotia and just work my land for the rest of my life. Just got to get my shit together :D :D
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2616576/Subway-removes-ham-pork-nearly-200-stores-strong-demand-Muslims-eat-Halal-meat.html
  12. There is a very simple and cost effective way to resolve all of this. Allow the members of these groups that are protesting against the presence and involvement of British troops countries they are supporters of. Each person writes down their name, address, date of birth, provides a saliva swab sample and a photographic form of identification. These are logged and processed accordingly. For every person that comes forward in support of the countries we remove a percentage of those troops in replacement for the redeployment of the protester and their immediate family to sort the problem
  13. no,we need qualified an fully accountable people in charge of them. I don't think you know any immigrants,most make no secret of the fact they come here take a lot of jobs and send the money home. you seem happy to give our country away to make it easier for you to feather your nest,Britain's not yours to give. After they've paid tax and N.I on the money they've earned, what business is it of anyone's what they do with the rest of their money? If it is seen as taking money out of our economy then anyone who stores money in their own home is under the same roof. What else
  14. Local Manifesto: http://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/themes/5308a93901925b5b09000002/attachments/original/1397750311/localmanifesto2014.pdf?1397750311 EU Manifesto: http://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/themes/5308a93901925b5b09000002/attachments/original/1398167812/EuroManifestoMarch.pdf?1398167812
  15. I've got a day available at some stables if you want it? It's in the stables themselves rather than being out with the smoker but there my be opportunity to use it. PM me for details if you're interested,.
  16. Howdy, I've got the opportunity to offer a rat session in some stables I look after if anyone wants to take the offer up? It's in the West Yorkshire Bradford area and I'm not going to say it's going to be prolific but it should provide some decent sport and good times. PM me for details if you are interested.
  17. Hi, I've just posted about a trip out with the ferrets to a stable yard I sort out. I'd be very interested in anyone who has working terriers in the local area (Bradford) who wants a day out to help clear the stables out? I'm not going to say "it'll be a blood bath" but it'd be good a day/morning/afternoon out all the same. PM me for details if you would be able to help out. Cheers,
  18. I've been taking care of the rats at a local stable for some time and the numbers are down somewhat but having horses in the stables with rats nesting in the straw beds is never an easy thing to deal with. I had a call on Friday to say that a few nests had been uncovered during the weekly clean up and could I come sort them out with either dogs or ferrets. Well my two collies are no good with rats as there is no way I am wanging one of those for them to fetch again and I don't know anyone one with working terriers.The only thing left was the ferrets and I knew just the man. A few mont
  19. The apple has those E elements occurring naturally, tell me, what additives are in the apple? Whistle whistle.....
  20. This site has a list of reviewed complete foods. http://www.allaboutd...-food-directory
  21. All the different shite the put in complete foods with additives and preservatives play havoc with any dog's bowels let alone a pup's. Go for raw and you will have one happy, healthy and regular dog. Mine get a mix of rabbit, chicken, birds and free meaty bones from the butchers. Three times a week they get heart, kidney or liver in small quantities and a few bits of left over veg. No runny tums, constipation or fowl smelling breath or coat. No vet visits too which is always a bonus as your dog gets older.
  22. Bakers is full of banned additives and ingredients from the human food chain. All Purina foods are, just type "banned ingredients in purina pet food" into google, it's scary. If you have to feed complete food then go for the best your budget will allow. There is a review site here: http://www.allaboutdogfood.co.uk/the-dog-food-directory
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