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Everything posted by hutch6

  1. hutch6


    Aye, t'is a dangerous world Fraz hence why we rely on a judicial system and police and military etc and not God's wrath. I hope nothing ever comes to harm but if it does be it any member of my family or anyone's family or whatever, is that God's will, they deserved it under God's judgement didn't they?
  2. hutch6


    Hitler was a Christian sorry, Roman Catholic, that believed he was doing God's work!!!! Darwin's theory of evolution wasn't "the strongest will survive", it was the species that can best adapt to it's ever changing environment will survive. Where do you get this crap from? Do you read anything other than the bible?
  3. hutch6


    I'm no biologist or anything no matter how hard you squint, but even I can understand that given the right environment and conditions stuff forms. What are the ingredients for a grain of sand? If you're not an animal then how come you have a liver the same as a frog, lungs the same as a buffalo, kidneys the same as a mouse etc and you're made out of keratin the same as every other creature on this planet? Did God just have a load of the stuff knocking about so used it to create skin, scales, horn, hoof, nail and hair? The only difference is we have culture that has been passed down to us o
  4. hutch6


    You ever heard of these geological things called erratics? Google them and you'll see what they are. Let me guess, God put them there?
  5. hutch6


    You see I like that. That is what religion is, a faith. It's falling backwards, living your life by the values that feel right and do good to fellow man and the trust and faith that your God will catch you when the time comes. A religion is not fact based evidence despite how much you believe a book to be correct without any of it being proven. The atheists are asked continually to provide evidence of things but the only evidence from Fraz and Kev has been is the bible or interpretations from the said book. It is just one book you are going on. There another fifty odd version of the thing
  6. hutch6


    My claim? What claim?
  7. hutch6


    So Eve spoke to a snake and that snake converted her way of thinking which caused her to go against stuff and that was bad. Aren't you doing the same here telling us that the bible is absolute evidence that God exists? You're right I don't believe it happened but you said and I quoted your own words, that life can not suddenly be made out of dead matter and you said that was a fact, something that in your mind you knew to be the absolute truth yet your own religion tells you something totally different and you believe that so what do you believe? If you believe Jesus was dead and then came
  8. hutch6


    You have a certificate and evidence from God? Why didn't you say earlier, could have saved at least 200 pages of this thread. Post them up mate, let's have a look at them.
  9. hutch6


    Woah there Christian soldier!!! It wasn't too long ago that folk were saying the exact same things about Christianity. Do try to remember that Christianity, by recorded fact, is still by a very long way the most violent religious belief system the world has ever seen, a long, long way in front of any other.
  10. hutch6


    So dead matter can't all of a sudden get up and come to life, that's a fact? How's Easter working out for you? You roll that stone away, laddy. As for the argument that Atheists wouldn't stand-up to a religious uprising, I think you'll find if push comes to shove I take a firm stance that nobody has the right to kill or suppress others in the name of a belief system. Those that do use it as an excuse for abhorrent behaviour and atrocities against their fellow human species. If I am held at knife point and asked to convert to any religion my reaction would be the same either way "Is this h
  11. hutch6


    Did I insult you? I fail to see where. As for the whole google my question, what a surprise. God created time and as God created time then God exists outside of time and is therefore multi-dimensional and can exist in two dimension of time thus God can travel through time and isn't exposed to cause and effect yet God uses this quite well to their advantage a whole multitude of times. Who writes this stuff? God can travel to any point in time, any point in time at any point of time and yet God started where? In the Beginning of course. Not the middle or the bit after lunch, in the b
  12. hutch6


    No I didn't, I said your God was in everything and all around us. That means your God is in an apple, a car engine, a gun, a tree, a mayfly, the moon and everything in between. I didn't say your God was a piece of faecal matter at all, I said that your God is believed to be in that matter as all matter contains your God. Big difference but I guess how you read something and how your mind interprets it makes all the difference now doesn't it?
  13. hutch6


    Did I insult you? I fail to see where. As for the whole google my question, what a surprise. God created time and as God created time then God exists outside of time and is therefore multi-dimensional and can exist in two dimension of time thus God can travel through time and isn't exposed to cause and effect yet God uses this quite well to their advantage a whole multitude of times. Who writes this stuff? God can travel to any point in time, any point in time at any point of time and yet God started where? In the Beginning of course. Not the middle or the bit after lunch, in the b
  14. hutch6


    Easiest get out clause I've ever heard - "I could answer that, but I can't be arsed". Here's a dead easy one for you. a starter for ten - what was before God and what created God?
  15. Is it easier to use poison in the house if you don't have indoor pets or easily accessible runs to lay traps? If so what's the most effective stuff? Seen them behind the head behind the kitchen units but I'm stuffed if I'm puling them out just to lay a few traps. Little gits.
  16. hutch6


    What was there before God and where did God get all this stuff from? What was God doing before they decided to create a universe? If we are so precious why did God create stuff that can easily kill us? Why are there things millions of years old or even hundreds of thousands of years old? Why aren't we all the same skin colour? Why are there hundreds of different faiths if there is only one true God, why haven't these other faith followers been struck down by God's wrath? Why is the Pope elected and not born to be pope? "But God is everywhere and in everything" a pretty good way to cover a
  17. hutch6


    Man created God to answer the unaswerable. If God created us in his own image, then states that we shouldn't make anything that looks like him as he's a bit jealous, then how come we make little folk that are created in God's image? Aren't we just making loads of little God-lookalikes which by his own words he doesn't like? Why do animals or the water cycle keep on trucking seven days a week? You can go to a church seven days a week and speak with a priest, that's them working seven days a week in the name of God. I can't even begin to list the types of job that require someone to work
  18. Tony Blair is the worst thing that has happened to the world in the last 20years and especially to the UK. An absolute disaster from start to finish and a guy that was only ever looking out for him and his family from the very beginning whilst feeding the public he was all for the common man. What an absolute pile of steaming cack. The whole war in Iraq was effectively a way of greasing the sweaty palms of the Arab states and nothing more. This gave Blair the foot in the door he wanted to ensure he would be in his current role, a role which many ambassadors have called to be dissolved be
  19. You got some kind of fascination with Deal or No Deal?
  20. I think it's a mick take and they do know the species. Funny though.
  21. hutch6


    That is purely because we are more aware of our world than any other animal on the planet and have a far more developed brain than any other animal which leads us to question why does it get dark and light? What is that big glowing thing up there that brings us warmth, energy, safety and makes shit grow? Why do all the other sparkly things only come out when the big bright thing goes away? The sun was by far the first thing to be worshipped due the advantages it brings us over the night. People were far more in touch with nature due to us coming from their and having to be to survive.
  22. hutch6


    Have you thought about a thunder shirt for the dog or some DAP?
  23. You might want to check out the Utonagan or the Sarloos dogs.
  24. Can I nominate these two posts for a "Most Ridiculous Post 1994 - 2014" award? Either one will take first prize I am sure . Joe, Northernlite, please give an explanation of "How" for both of these posts? I'll just go make a batch of popcorn in anticipation of your responses.
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