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Everything posted by thorpedo

  1. harry which one did you get, the hawke or the deben, and is the one you have effective for rabbits? i decided against them both and went for a mag-lite 4 D cell and im gonna fashion an attachment in the work shop, this is what i went for: it is around £25 and the batteries last about 9-10 hours, Beam range is 60ft here is the website, http://www.spcmarketing.co.uk/acatalog/Maglite_4D_cell.html i think it has the advantage of having plenty of body (40mm) to mount to that is why i chose it.
  2. any info on either would be great trying to decide between the two, both look good Hawke Stinger Mini Gunlight Lamp + Red Filter = £49.99 DEBEN TRACER STINGER = £34.99
  3. what is the lamp like? will it do rabbits for say 30-40yards, and will it fit a BSA Lightning? cheers thorpedo
  4. just a really quick post to find out what pellets all you lightning owners use. cheers thorpedo
  5. Can anyone shed any light on the effectiveness of the pellet lube? Does it make any difference at all? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-NAPIER-POWER-SPR...bayphotohosting Also, ive heard a rumour of people soaking their pellets in diesel, sounds crazy but apparently there is enough friction between the barrel and pellet to ignite the pellet and give it a bit more power! Any thoughts or knowledge on either would be great cheers
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