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About parislondonparis

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  1. Hi there, I am in the process of applying for my shotgun certificate and I was wondering whether I need to indicate in the interview what guns I want to buy. How detailed does that need to be? I am not quite sure yet what I want to buy. I am doubting between O/U and SS, and I may end up wanting one of both. Given that I will be targeting second hand guns to fit the budget, I won't know exactly what I'll buy perhaps until I am in the store. When you buy a gun do you need to get the specific gun approved before completing the purchase? Or does the certificate specify a certain cali
  2. I started this yesterday for the first time, so no experience yet that I can share. Just cleaned the skins and put them on salt to dry. Not sure how to get all the membrane off. It's seems to be sticking pretty tight to the skin. I'm keen to hear how people do this. cheers, Vincent
  3. Hi everybody, I just joined the forum and wanted to say a quick hello. I started shooting clays as practice for game shooting in December and just sent off my application for a SGC. Last Sunday I shot my first rabbits, which was fun too. I'm enjoying the forum a lot and learn a lot from all your posts, for which thanks. Cheers, Vincent London
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