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Everything posted by gossy

  1. hello and welcome. hope you enjoy the site
  2. i dont use them myself but have a shooting buddy that does use them and i have shot a few roe and done abit on the range with them. good accuracy and consistancy and the roe were all very successful shots. based on my small experience with them... very good.
  3. yer shes alrite. she was a little over weight in this pic but shes slimmed down and built up more muscle now. and shes half greyhound half bull.
  4. alrite mate this is my bitch. 23 tts bullxgreyhound
  5. there are some real beutys there mate.... very jeolous that last buck that you say would be top end silver is a beuty excellent pearling. looks gold to me
  6. ile second that mine tracks deer really well for some reason i havnt trained it to do it it just puts his nose down and gets it. it tracked a buck the other night that went about 70 yards into thick rodedendrens i would have never found it. its also good as stated above can handle itself if the deer is wounded 2 birds 1 stone
  7. bolt action is by far more accurate than the semi. and alot more consistant. i believe the reason for this is the bolt constantly locks the bullet in the same place whereas the semi kinda shuts quickly and doesnt lock it in as well. kinda poorly put i hope u can see what i am saying. as for accuracy, bolt action firing 22 eley subs, 1 hole group of 3 bullets at 50-60 yards. semi auto 2 or 3 inch groups with the occasional flier and jamming which is very annoying. if your after a bit of fun then semi. for precise accurate rifle then always bolt action. hope this helps. gossy
  8. as everyone else is saying i bought a couple of boxes just to try them. pushed the range out to 180 with them but at 100 yards i found them not as accurate. i was getting groups of about 2 to 3 inches whereas subsonics i can get within an inch and normally 1 hole groups. they are also affected greatly by wind>
  9. in the secon d pic it looks like youre barrels are resting on the ground... may be wrong but thats what it looks like. always need to be careful of that
  10. saw a fox one morning in one of my release pens taking away a poult. waited out the next morning and shot it with another one its mouth.
  11. hi guys ive been offered a place at sparsholt on a gamekeeping coarse but iam also interested in the game and wildlife management,reason being this covers deerstalkers and gamekeepers training. i have always wanted to work with deer from a very young age and have been told about a forrestry ranger that my dad once new that controlled deer as well as bird counts and vermin control. however i cannot find any information on this career. can anyone help?? i am also very interested in a career in deerstalking i believe that this can be done commercially or privately but this is realy all the in
  12. as it mentions there where 2 foxes in the field when we got there one was clearly visible as it was looking at us the second then walked in behind this one and being fairly new to shooting at the time i took the shot. the front fox was killed instantly and the back fox moved on a small distance which was then dispatched. having known what i no know( 50 grain bullets break up very quickly) i would have not taken the shot. i understand that we as shooters have a duty to ensure our quarry is despatched as quickly and humanely as possible and prehaps now after hearing your views that this can be p
  13. as it mentions there where 2 foxes in the field when we got there one was clearly visible as it was looking at us the second then walked in behind this one and being fairly new to shooting at the time i took the shot. the front fox was killed instantly and the back fox moved on a small distance which was then dispatched. having known what i no know( 50 grain bullets break up very quickly) i would have not taken the shot. i understand that we as shooters have a duty to ensure our quarry is despatched as quickly and humanely as possible and prehaps now after hearing your views that this can be p
  14. i understand what your saying. however i do not see the difference between someone stating in a topic that they gave a deer a perfect heart shot which then ran 30 yards and dropped and me shooting a fox and it running on for a short distance. prehaps i did not make this clear in my original post the fox was hit with a fatal shot and although was shot agen was realy not going to go much further. very sorry if this offended some readers.
  15. alright mate ive got 4 and find them very successful!!!! i have used them under beach trees and near pheasant hoppers. using wheat as bait. rake the area clear and place the trap down then pour wheat in through the mesh at the top covering the floor of the trap. then put a small amount around the mouth of the trap. my best result so far is three in the trap and 1 stuck between the two trap doors so 4. atb gossy
  16. hi guys. a while ago now i was out lamping with my dad and across the valley in a stubble field two sets of eyes were bouncing around the field. knowing that it was foxes we flanked them to create a safe backstop. when my dad put the lamp on you could see 1 fox out in the middle of the field at about 90 yards so i straight away lined up for a chest shot as the fox was sat upright looking at us ,but just as i was about to fire the shot a silhouette moved into the field of view directly behind the fox i was aiming at after waiting a second i could see it was another fox so i lined up again a
  17. sounds good to me mate. if you dont want to risk damaging meat take a neck shot.... but i dont think that bullet would be to bad. atb gossy
  18. is a cracking gun mate certainly looks and feels the part. i havnt personally shot with one though just seen one in a shop. rather expensive though... all depends on what feels good mate go to your local and pick a few up see which ones feel good . atb. gossy.
  19. cheers buddy all opinions are welcome and youre honesty is appreciated.must admit youve got me worried now do you go on work placements on the game and wildlife coarse?? if yes how has that gone for you?? do the others on your coarse share your opinion?? gossy.
  20. alright mate ive got the 686 special. beautiful gun handles well,nice and balanced .as always with beretta you get what you pay for and that is sheer quality. sorry couldnt tell you the difference between the special and standard but there must be a difference even if it isnt much. atb gossy
  21. i am afraid not mate even though i have one... couldnt even tell you which one i have to be honest. hell of gun though!!!! just a thought but possibly the engraving? atb goossy
  22. alright mate. i purchased a cz 452 22lr varmint a couple of months ago and having compared this to the accuracy of my dads standard 452 i really cannot see a noticable difference both rifles are extremely accurate, shooting 1 hole groups of 3 at 50 and a 1 inch group at . clearly very accurate rifles whether they are varmint or not. hope this helps atb gossy
  23. a few times but only when im going about with two "under the bolt" and it some times jams when i manualy cock it. why weren't u at college today? we'r not into morro btw are u comming up 2 the fox drive at josh's? what college you at mate??
  24. hi buddy without a doubt for your 22lr slot you want to go for the cz they give alot of options styles and offer great value for money. 223, i would say same as mr logic go for a cz or a remington. but also consider howa. they do a varmint or sporting model very accurate and nice and cheap. atb. gossy.
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