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Everything posted by gossy

  1. thought i would add some pics of the finished trophy that ive just finished cleaning up. put it on a simple homemade plaque and it looks a treat.
  2. heard on the news today three people have been arrested for stamping a newly born fawn to death.... bunch of cruel b*****ds. no doubt this will also come back to us hunters.
  3. cheers all he did have an acceptionally large head for my area and good colour which would suggest he had been clean for a while however there where a few strands left in between a few bits of pearling. he also had a weird shape head almost like a v as the antlers had no curve to them.
  4. my neighbouring shoot puts down about 20 i believe and there crafty little buggers they seem to have a nack of slipping through the beating line and i have yet to see one fly let alone over the guns.
  5. hello and welcome mate!!!
  6. as it was a really nice sunny evening i decided to go for a stalk. throughout the week i had been thinking about a stalk that i could do that would be focused on field edges as this is where the deer seem to be showing themselves at the minute. stuffing thereselves with lush grass. i decided to take a route through an area of my permission that i had never stalked before so had no idea what i may find. within five minutes of starting i could see two deer in the distance so i stalked closer and saw that it was a two does one of which had a kid next to her in the long grass. i decided at th
  7. thanks kayne. i suspected this was the case so i have now registered on the national diploma as it will give me more options when i come up. thanks for comment. atb gossy
  8. i shot one like this myself whilst out lamping except it was white and dark brown. ive also caught silver rabbits and seen pure black ones.
  9. you can use it with great reults day or night i think it is prehaps used more when lamping to draw in foxes within range. but it does work just as well in the day time. one thing i will say is its worth watching a video or finding out for yourself what a rabbit actually sounds like when its squeeling. i learnt by hearing rabbits squeell when my lurcher caught them, ive seen nearly anything work as stated abopve even a dog toy. but i think with anything the closer you get it to the real thing the better it has to work. another good thing ive seen is using a piece of polystyrene on the truck wi
  10. headshot rabbits at that range by just resting on a fence post. very impressive mate well done
  11. how do you know he cant be bothered?? sometimes theres ground on an estate that you just dont see or walk past. and you cant always get the cubs in the early stages but once theyve got older and wondering about more he will probably snare them or catch up with them whilst out lamping. as for the pheasant feeders why would they be full. he wont have any pheasants as they wouldnt of arrived yet and most shoots catch up after the end of the shooting season. as for the pens there bound to be thicker than normal its summer. but he should spray it all off or strim it back nearer when the poults come
  12. any army surplus shops will sell it. and i would imagine any mail order places would try deben i think they do.
  13. alright mate. i just looked on the deben website and it looks alright nice and lightweight i imagine. i would imagine that would be made specifically for air rifles as it wouldnt realy be capable of much more. it states that the beam length is 70 metres. so if this is correct. its more than capable of doing the job for you. it is powered by lithium batterioes which are rechargeable but iam afraid i couldnt realy tell you how long this would last. but these batteries are obviously small so it would be worth putting extras in your pocket incase the light runs out before your finished. at
  14. iam in clovelly. which is about 5 mins from cornwall.
  15. I had 3/4 choke and Full in the barrels and flicked it to 3/4 to give a little more spread, imagine the state the squirrel would have been if id using a no.5 Full, probably not a pretty sight I don't think it would have made much difference Still one lump of lead punching a hole at 950MPH that ewould be true at that range it wouldnt of had a chance to open up... poor squirrel.
  16. good choice i think there mate. goodluck with your new rifle atb gossy
  17. another point worth mentioning i think is that the 20 bore has a much tighter pattern. this can make it a little more difficult to hit the target but i find when you do it gets killed fairly cleanly as a result of being hit with more pellets.
  18. well done mate!! nice write up 2. good old 20 bores yours looks nice aswell. what gun is that?? atb gossy
  19. that there is the only fenn tunnel i have ever seen that has had effort put into it.lol. normally just 3 bits of wood nailed together roughly. but they look very good and good luck. iam sure theyle do the job
  20. me personally i use a 12 bore for larger game. i.e duck,geese and foxes and occasionally on pheasants. but my favoured thing for general rough shooting and walking long disatance is a 20 bore they are lightweight so easy to carry around and give enough range of cartridges for everything you haver mentioned. atb gossy
  21. nice one mate. they are massive!!. what calibre would you use for a moose??
  22. hi guys i have a post running about sparsholt college already but i thought i would start a fresh with a new bit of help i need. i have been offered a place on two of the coarses at sparsholt and was wondering if you could help me with information on the two coarses. the coarses are a national certificate in gamekeeping and a national diploma in game and wildlife management. they are both 2 years long and both will be a level 3 qualification at the end of it. a few things iam not sure of is what is the difference between a national certificate and a national diploma??? also could any o
  23. asking for help like that aint gonna work out for you!!
  24. went to the gun shop today and looked at both the sako 85 hunter and the tikka t3 series of rifles. i must say the sako is a cracker but iam not sure i saw £400 worth of difference between them. although i do prefer the sako for the magazine as i like the mags that the bullets can just be clicked into.
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