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rabbit muncher

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Everything posted by rabbit muncher

  1. lol what is wrong with rabbiting with terriers
  2. this is my dog saluki lurcher the black whippet greyhound is my mates this is another pals saluki bull greyhounds ithink .He has no longer got the brindle he is a scotland i have heard he is doing very well day and night
  3. you have some strong looking dogs there
  5. i do the same with my 2 jacks they love it if there happy i am happy let them on
  6. nice looking dog what i can see ha nice colour mate
  7. nice looking pups mate hope they serve you well
  8. i agree with deer stalker but dont get belt battery pack shit unless you like walking like jonh wayne
  9. How many times wolud you recommend you should line a terrier bitch and at what age i have heard a few diffrent opions to this
  10. sorry hes not from harry he fetched them on its eddie commons he is from jake and shadow.shadow is out ov smokey and dancer not sure were jake is from ? how old will the smokey x dancer bitch be ..do you know....???i will find out about the jake dog if i can and how hes bred...... hows your dog run ....... runs like lightening jumps for fun mad keen does a lot ov work with my terriers great to watch not sure how old shadow is would like to know about jake
  11. sorry hes not from harry he fetched them on its eddie commons he is from jake and shadow.shadow is out ov smokey and dancer not sure were jake is from ?
  12. i use shredded paper keeps dogs warm and easy to get rid ov i have heard blue jay cloth is ment to be better going to try it
  13. sent a s--t photo in yesterday of my dog stitch think i got it right this time this is stitch 2 1/2 yrs saluki lurcher one ov eddie commons anyone else had his dogs?
  14. not fat its the photo will try and send a differnt one
  15. this is my saluki lurcher stitch 2 1/2 years old let me know what you think
  16. used to have a jack same size he had no problem at all on rats and rabbit
  17. put it in with another dog shuts em up strait away spider pig is right works everytime
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