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Everything posted by markmark.123

  1. heres a couple of buddy playing in the garden he is a 10 week old whippet x beardie x grayhound
  2. heres mine it is a 4x12 foot run and there is an insulated box in the shed that is 4x2.5 foot for the dog to sleep
  3. i have a 9 weak old pup and feed it a milky meal ( goats milk ) on a morning eg scrambled egg or wheatabix then bakers complete puppy food with gravy on for his other two meals and he seems to be doing good my dad used to bread labs and has always used dryed with the odd egg on an codliver oil
  4. cheers for the comments here is where the hard work starts training
  5. well i have named him BUD here is a better pic of him
  6. No sure about those Names think al go with bud
  7. there not the best pics i will try and get some better ones
  8. alright every one here is me new pup he is bread sire deneside bella whippet x grayhound dam beardie collie x laguna whippet x grayhound from working stock he is only 9 weeks old and has not got a name yet any sugestions
  9. al [bANNED TEXT] every one i have now desided that i want a whippet collie grayhound pup i am going on holiday in 6 weeks so i will be wanting one in about 7 weeks time just wondering if anyone will ave any pups ready then i am in the northeast but would travel if not to far cheers mark
  10. Has anyone got a copy of prudy's progress that they would sell there is none on ebay
  11. What is legal quary for a Lurcher Cheers
  12. I use a nightvision add-on on my air rifle scope but you can only see out to about 100 yards
  13. i already have a radio in the shed that i am doing to leave on shreaded news paper sound spot on
  14. alrite every one my name is mark and i am from durham i am looking for my first lurcher and already do a lot of shooting
  15. is it alrite to put a pup straight out i will put a hot water bottle in until it gets a bit older does any one use straw like what you use for rabbits
  16. i am wanting to get a lurcher and wanted to no how many people keep them outside i have had a couple of working dog all have lived outside i am going to to build a kennel inside of the shed with a large cat flap out to a run on the side how do you keep your dogs warm eg what bedding, insulation ect have you got any pics of your pens and kennels cheers mark
  17. cheers for the help i have just been reading that saluki have recall isues which realy puts me off i want a smallish lurcher aswell
  18. al [bANNED TEXT] everyone i have been into shooting for years and i have also had terriers in the past but i fancy getting a running dog to take with me on shooting trips for the quary that is out of range of my air rifle here are my Qs what is a nice easy breed to start with how easy are they to train how to train dog or bitch should i get an dog that is abit older or should i get a pup should i get a dog that is crossed with a bull as i have a staffy and it is stupid i know it is alot of questions but once i get a dog i dont like to rehome so want to ma
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