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Everything posted by markmark.123

  1. am goin tomoro what age is the puppy class in the lurcher show 0-6 months or 0-12 months because you dont have a chance in the 0-12 months class with a young pup i have tried a few times but dont even get looked at even though everyone comments on me pup
  2. Always been into shooting and has labs as a kid I lost interest around 15-20 years old (lasses and drink) then I started shooting again and was going to get a lab but then I seen a blue lurcher at one of the game fairs and I had to have one searched for about 4months for one read this forum every day and found a litter 8 miles from me and went to have a look came back with a little blue dog he is 18 weeks old now and coming on great not much different to a gun dog to train
  3. that is what i use i use it with a front paralex scope set the eye releaf out a few turns then atach it and turn the ukon till i can see the cross hairs and it works fine
  4. i use a daben stinger with red filter on and do alot of ratting in the winter you also have to change the colours as they become lamp shy i then have a nightvision add on for later in the season
  5. i have just put on a hawke panarama 3-9x50 ir ao with sunshade i love it and lights up blue for day time shooting i also use .22 accupells in mine which work fine i have a sling and bipod but only put the bipod on if i am going to use it
  6. i have been holding my pup back while i through the dummie waiting a few seconds then let him go after it chasing is bred into them so you need to teach the basics
  7. i think both are ok i have just got a collie,whippet x gray but my dad is thinking of getting a beddy x whippet both good for ferreting and the lamp
  8. is this a good fair we are going but it is a long drive so just want to no if it is worth it
  9. I have muckboots and love them
  10. She looks nice and health to me mate cracking little pup
  11. didnt relise how much stuff i had till i tried to photo it and my new shooting partner bud wonder what it all adds up to £££££££££££££££££££
  12. i have a sock coverd in rabbit skin that i keep just for training
  13. Just the same as the DVD mate slow and steady don't try and rush it my pup is 15 weeks and is retrieving 4 out of 5 times and sits [bANNED TEXT] told also recall is good going to start getting him to stay soon
  14. well that is what i thought. he is eating and drinking fine and is running round the garden now
  15. Coz it is closed and Monday night is the only apoytment left he seems to of come round now but he is still going to the vets
  16. Type powerade for dogs into google and see
  17. It's a sports drink but is used to stop alsorts of animals from being dehydrated from snakes to cows
  18. I have gave h some powerade to try and rehydrate him if he is no better tomorro I will try and see am emergency vet
  19. He is vaccinated and the fed him the same apart from they added abit of mince
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