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Everything posted by halfx

  1. yep, thanks JD, he's a lovely dog but hates other dogs and cats lol, and for some reason has been playin up... and people! me included only some people...he's fine with me, but has growled at quite a few now, i reckon it's because he hasn't been out in ages because he limps when we get home else he hasnt been out for ages because he limps when you get home.......are you related to dances.
  2. good for some rabbiting i spose
  3. is this the one with the lurchers...on foxes
  4. smart looking pup,best of luck with him.
  5. halfx

    Purple Hearts

    remember my skinhead days from the 80s,ox blood dms,bleached jeans,fred perry shirt,black bomber jacket.......i look at some of the youth today and wonder whats wrong with them,all this coke and crack guns and knives,what happend to glue and steel toe cap bulldog boots.
  6. iv heard of claude van dam.......but i think he from belgium not st helens.
  7. thats a f*****g outrage,these fellas deserve so much better.
  8. who wrote the book mate...........ghost writers
  9. lol leather gloves me arse them needle teeth would open ye up like a cockel but hry if you try it take a few pics of your hands after it im still laughing,sheer stupidty.
  10. will it do moles single handed
  11. thick leather gloves and break its neck,lol,best laugh iv had for years,killed many like that have you mate
  12. pleased for your dog mate,nice to see a chav with his dog lol.
  13. all this free him stuff sounds a bit like left wing hand wringing to me,its that kind of shit that f****d this country up good and proper,if he was black he would have been freed by now,or if he was a fudge packer,or a muslim,or a kiddie fiddler,he took the piss an now he is paying for it,so what if he is old and ill.......regards,nelson mandela.
  14. put some better pics up they are shit,is it a half x,what lines in the bull side of things.
  15. halfx

    xbox help

    sorted lol,ffs.
  16. halfx

    xbox help

    tried that [bANNED TEXT] fukin light just keeps flasshing
  17. halfx

    xbox help

    my kids got the wire free controlers for xbox my lad took his to his m8s,cant get fukin thing to work on there xbox now,how do i re-configure the pesky thing,cheers in advance.
  18. oldnog get your coat lad you have pulled.x was you geting your hair done at the salon oldnog.
  19. jus t when i thought i knew all the nobheads another one appears i like it
  20. smart looking bitch,whos the gimp holdin her. is he on the register at the local nick.
  21. so sad yet so predictable.........regards the bagman
  22. the local drug takers would be removed......with out the police IF you had the backing of no one but yourself would they still be removed.....? And there is a time for the so called action you state, BUT only if the law does not act on it first........ ahhh the law.
  23. the local drug takers would be removed......with out the police
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