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Everything posted by halfx

  1. halfx


    instead of waisting taxpayers money on sending them back to be shot......cant we just shoot them here
  2. if you know where he lives whats the problem.................
  3. i walk all the time,lamping by motor is for fat people like lucky and dogginlad. you have forgoten how to walk now you have that motor,cruising round with one eye on the built in gaydar,looking for drunken sailors. or picking up tramps,lol.
  4. exactly,some people believe in testing the dogs,your honest questions have obvious answers.
  5. greedy robbing c**ts.....desperate to do some woman out of her inheritance,sums them up for me
  6. sorry for your son,as a parent i worry about where the kids are all the time,kiddy fiddlers and other sexual predators are treated far to softly by our so called criminal justice sysytem,there should only be one sentance for sexual crimes
  7. pigbuster lines,ffs if it wasnt so sad it would be funny.
  9. What a chavy remark young man! The only c**t here child is you. What input have you put into your own thread? Kick and run comes to mind chap. im older than you,im no chav,i run my own bussiness,employ over 60 people,im a father of four,own my own home etc.chav.....see there you go again,holding the high ground yet again.......carry on
  10. people like artic seem to look down their nose at those who dont think like they do as they are allways right,anybody with a different view must be a fool,get off your high horse you c**t
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsFbIfJplUY
  12. these little splinter groups have never been any good as far as "getting anything done " go,s.....yes they might crack a few heads like the old combat 18 and various other " groups " did......but they wont change anything......if folk are hoping for change what makes most sense a few small groups running round making headlines but making no difference.....or 1 big group standing solidly and possibly sooner or later making a change......its a marathon not a sprint. i think in germany in the 30s you had the political national socialist party,and then you had their so called foot soldiers,the
  13. the edl are not a political party you can vote for.so they will not be splitting any vote,they and a few other small groups may well believe in a more direct sort of action,action that some may shy away from,but will in the end need to be taken.
  14. halfx

    Free Heroin!!

    tough on crime,tough on the causes of crime.......what time do you want to come and get your free gear.
  15. Aye,your right chap,the majority of does are carrying young!! Another one who has obviously done nothing or little,jesus!!..hares start pairing up mid to late January ESPECIALLY further South where it is profoundly warmer by a degree or two..and where are the SUPER FENS where supposedly it's the ultimate test for running dogs?? It makes me wonder at times if anyone on here has actually ever done any form of hunting?? Rant over..sorry!! All the best PP. just because its called the hunting life dont expect to find many hunters here,this place is a magnet for special needs folk.
  16. halfx


    just when i thought its not possible for you to get your head any further up your own ass,you prove me wrong.
  17. not a good idea to kennel them together mate,it ends in tears.
  18. wheres this ground your hunting then. its the vast open space between his ears.
  19. the serial animal rapist known localy as.....
  20. multi racial,nice expression straight out the new labour handbook,im not rascist,i just hate muslims who say i must die because im a non believer,to me a c**ts a c**t,what ever the colour. Anyone who dies for any but there own ideals is a fool s ps you dont know my politics if i was blown up by a muslim for not being what they like then id be dying because of there ideals not mine,so id be a fool then would i lol,you fukin clown,i dont care about your politics tbh,you keep on talking riddles mate,so long as ypou understand the drivel. READ THE QUOTE ANY BUT THERE OWN IDEALS NOT SOM
  21. multi racial,nice expression straight out the new labour handbook,im not rascist,i just hate muslims who say i must die because im a non believer,to me a c**ts a c**t,what ever the colour. Anyone who dies for any but there own ideals is a fool s ps you dont know my politics if i was blown up by a muslim for not being what they like then id be dying because of there ideals not mine,so id be a fool then would i lol,you fukin clown,i dont care about your politics tbh,you keep on talking riddles mate,so long as ypou understand the drivel. READ THE QUOTE ANY BUT THERE OWN IDEALS NOT SOM
  22. multi racial,nice expression straight out the new labour handbook,im not rascist,i just hate muslims who say i must die because im a non believer,to me a c**ts a c**t,what ever the colour. Anyone who dies for any but there own ideals is a fool s ps you dont know my politics if i was blown up by a muslim for not being what they like then id be dying because of there ideals not mine,so id be a fool then would i lol,you fukin clown,i dont care about your politics tbh,you keep on talking riddles mate,so long as ypou understand the drivel.
  23. multi racial,nice expression straight out the new labour handbook,im not rascist,i just hate muslims who say i must die because im a non believer,to me a c**ts a c**t,what ever the colour.
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