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Everything posted by snatchbullet

  1. a hare hasnt even start running in the first 10 seconds in the beam a rabbit has one gear a hare has 6. in a spot light your rabbit seems to liven up farster than a hare but day time a rabbit is left well behind from the word go
  2. my mate works beddy greys and they are great all rounder rebs rabbits roe few long ears good freezer fillers
  3. spot on lads nice to see the pup coming on slowly does it !!
  4. spot on lads nice to see the pup coming on slowly does it !!
  5. very smart gould bitch just come on thl 7 months old seen nowt looks a smart bitch to me and if she is actually gould she should do the job nicely
  6. f**k i wish i was in the uk if you still got that i june snatch it up. good luck rehoming looks a belter
  7. a bull cross is a long dog crossed to a bull. as soon as you start putting more than 2 breeds into a dog it is not anything but a lurcher with diffrent breed init snatch
  8. I know i am looking ahead but i am looking to put my mates lurcher across a straight greyhound. the dog is spot on day and night and is keen as mustard with sharp things.... i need the bitch to be in seesion around may time so if any one has a racey bitch needing a new home please let me know. after breeding the bitch will be going to my mother who has already got a 9 year old greyhound dog so nice life for mother after pups. cheers for any help pm me snatch
  9. Newbeeee, i have a Dog Alaunt of about the same age. Fine dog called Zac, who for all the idiots who winge on about them would put most of their dogs to shame!! I think when someone is not happy with their own dog they look to bring someone else down with them!! All dogs have their jobs and i know my alaunt would leave most stumpted.. so to all you small dicked inbreds, pipe down!! Where have your Alaunt lines come from? Bitch/Dog?
  10. my mates got one and his dog is a drawing dog and it can finish its job quicker than most bull crosses i have ever seen not all dogs are from running lads even so it is still fast and doing job in the lamp all pre ban ofcouse!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. i could show you some pictures off a worked alunt but i think i might be showing off things that are maybe best kept off the internet!!! its not my dog so got nothing to prove but i have seen it work
  12. Shoot the c**t then........ bunch of moaning old women on this f*****g site
  13. go to darswed teckeles on the internet mate he has some cracking dogs on there they are studed out as well
  14. hi there just seen you might know an old friend of mine called antony nial i dont have a clue how to spell his name but pretty sure this is him you are talking about up near inverness i bought a couple of lurchers off him and was wanting to give him a call but have lost his number and address you dont know it or could you give him mine 07949720025 cheers for your help ben horne he knows me as ben the keeper
  15. If the bloke wants to sell a f*****g terrier let him wether he has sold 1 or 10 dosent really matter dog looks fit and well looked after!!! i have got a terrier how is nine now up there with one of the best fox dogs i seen work and he never seen a f*****g lead in his life. a well trained dog will sit stay and walk to heel with out using a lead!!! i have said it before on this site if you dont want the dog and the bloke isnt just buying dogs cheap and selling them on as a great workers for big bucks then he aint doing nothing wrong with putting a dog up in the forsale section!!!!!!!!!!!! so sto
  16. Does any one know of a guy in scotland called anthony neill??? cheers snatch pm
  17. Its THE f*****g BAN that makes it a pain in the ass!!!!! Cant risk losing your dogs! But nothing to say you cant find a couple of hares hanging in a tree on a morning stroll when dogs sleeping at home!!! f**k THE BAN and dont let the barstards grind you down!!!!! Snatch
  18. I am sure there are a few airdales with terrier sized balls but if i was you i would stick to the beddlington. i have worked with many of these and there lurcher cross and it will give you what you are looking for crossed in to your lurchers!! Obviously just my opinion but hope it helps. find a nice proven dog and i recon you will be pleased with what you get cheers snatch
  19. loads of people on here driving dogs from ireland all over uk. check at the top of working dogs forsale and there should be numbers up there for you. good luck finding one mate sounds a mean cross
  20. did you get this bitch in manchester is the splitting image of mine farther pressa mother 34bull14greyhound??
  21. is your mates dog called zac its breed of bud9 bitch and scorsmans zues Yer He is mate great hard working dog the picture of the alunt on this page is his dad i think??
  22. Thanks for input and the photos and if it turns out like any of that lot i recon she will be catching more than just a rabbit in a phone box. The dog is a bit more racey built than the one in photo above and is a very darky black brindle. The bitch is all black. The pup has come out light sandy couloured with a black mask i recon it will go light brindle. I will try get some pics up soon as out with him tomorrow night. Thanks Snatch
  23. A friend of mine has just had a pup out a track greyhound bitch and his alunt who is a brick shit house of a dog. The bitch had just one pup a bitch. I was just wondering if any one runs these and if they had any pictures of this cross? I think she could turn out to be a foxes worst night mare PRE BAN but am really interested what people have too say about this cross???? Cheers lads and ladets Snatch
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