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Everything posted by trentotter

  1. i prefer our lass's breast's,to be honest paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. les picked me up at 16:20 tonight and we ended up about 2 miles from my house on a field which was cut last week. i just put out 6 deeks and waited about 5 mins for the first bird to come in.ive not shot with my semi for a while and ended up missing the first 5 birds.then i got my eye in and ended up with 38,pcking 37 up.could have had more if it was'nt for someone calling the plod,so we spent three quarters of an hour talking with them but they were ok and could see we wer'nt bothering anyone......
  3. get some shells mate,fuds are crap.if you look from above they look nowt like a woodie and with shells you can stand them above the stubble to be seen..last year i used both and the shells come up trumps every time!!
  4. and its nigh impossible to get the variation on your ticket!!!!!!
  5. true,even flapper's and floater can spook em at times,i think they are getting wise to most of the tricks!!!!!
  6. they can work,but more often not they scare them away.ive got one but it stays at home 90% of the time.im with les and save your money and buy a couple of flappers!!!!
  7. how did you shoot that many???? i bet you was stuck up magman half the day!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:
  8. went this morning with les and was set up for 8am, 12 fud's,a flapper and a floater.they came in from the off.i put the dead birds on cradle's as i shot them and within 15 mins id put 10 cradle's out.they came steady for most of the morning,but it slowed in the afternoon.i ended up with with 101 woodie's,4 crows and 4 ferral's. and i went home with 1 cartridge left!!!!!!!!!!
  9. shooting between 12 -3pm yesterday !!!!!!!
  10. les is right,the cheddite 100 metri carts are lethal on foxes at 75- METRE'S . they are double wadded so the come out of the gun as a single projectile.the wad's begin to separate at around the 70 METRE mark and at 100 METRE'S the patern is as a standard cartridge at 30 METRE'S..... boooosh dead fox at 90-100 METRE'S!!!!!!
  11. in my opinion,jackdaw's come better to magpie deeks. 3-4 maggie's and a decent call and the jackdaw's go mental at the maggie's.... worth a try mate!!!!!
  12. the clover field's are inbetween 2 wheat fields,so yes they can be shot for crop protection!!!!!!! why not shoot on the wheat fields? aint that obvious?? you cant go walking into standing crops to retrieve dead birds.or even send a dog in,you'll end up doing as much damage as the birds!!!!!!!!!
  13. the clover field's are inbetween 2 wheat fields,so yes they can be shot for crop protection!!!!!!!
  14. les had another day on the clover yesterday and got these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. try david baines in wakefield,he's got million's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. the dog is now sold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. hi mate,he is big and strong,got a big head as well... his dad is working out of the hide,retrieve's 100% from water(including canada's) and ive never seen him fail to find anything...his mother, as far as i know just work's from a hide.... oh and no,he's not kc regd.both his parent's are but the lad who bred him did'nt bother to register the pup's
  18. hi mate,an old sayingis" most lure's are made to catch angler's,not fish" and dont i know it.i anded up with about 400 most coz they looked good.did they catch fish??? NO!!!!!! LOL
  19. i have a 14 month old lab dog for sale.from good working parents only selling as ive not got the time to train him...based in leeds £200 ono inbox me for more detail's sold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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