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Everything posted by trentotter

  1. cz all the way mate,cant beat em for the money!!!!!!!!!
  2. swillington shooting suplies,£35 new!!!!!!!!!
  3. can i have a pint of what this clown is on!!!!!!!!!
  4. would you be able to piggy back us????? lol
  5. well ive just been scanning the dark side(pigeon watch) and noticed the wanker's have the knive's out for les again!!!! what the f**k is archie 1234 on about?? he is talking out of his arse, ive been shooting with les in and around leeds for year's and all the farmer's know les and welcome him onto their land..as for al4x's rumour of roe with an hmr,we all know who started that one ,dont we "mark walsh" who shoots foxes in people's front gardens with a centrefire rife,shoots deer from the hard shoulder of the motorway and so on!!!!!! they say people in glass house's should'nt throw stone's b
  6. they give me one paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. them diamond ret's are brilliant once you get used to em,ive had 2. the first i sold after a week,i did'nt like it.then i bought another and batted it out a bit longer with it.once i got used to it i would'.nt part with it..i dont think they'd be any good for long range,as the reticle would cover the target too much!!!!!!
  8. good do mate,you'll always remember your first goose!!!!!!!!
  9. you'll be better off asking for some rocking horse shit,more chance of getting a result mate!!!!!!!!! lol
  10. for the bunnie's ,but an hornet for the fox!!!!!!!!! what make is your .22? so when you go out lamping do you take both your rifles with you? sometimes 3 rifle's and a shotgun comes out with us mate!!!!! the rimmie's a cz varmint carbine with a sak mod!!! brillient gun's!!!
  11. for the bunnie's ,but an hornet for the fox!!!!!!!!!
  12. me and les had a ride about last night,its still soaking so was limited to where we could go.we ended up with 13 bunnie's and a nice fat charlie!!!!!
  13. Well done mate, perhaps Les will swop you for 16oz steak. might get some chicken lip's off him joe!!!!!!!!
  14. try raygyll fisheries mate,they have a pike lake in the winter,some very very big fish in there.one was put in in the mid 40s and it lives on big fat trout in the summer so who know's what it'll weigh now!!!!!
  15. THERE ARE NO PIKE LEFT IN THE LEEDS LIVERPOOL ANY MORE ALL THE IMMOGRANTS HAVE EATEN EM!!!!! as for the british record it came out of the cut near the old power station.it was 38lb and ive seen it knocking about in the summer.absolute massive!!!!!!!!!
  16. Nice Trentotter, best sporting and eating bird there is. Cant understand those that say "dont shoot them". We get an influx of millions of them over the winter months. les will be having it for his dinner,not tried one myself.dont get chance when les is about,he'd kill for a woodcock!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
  17. went out for a couple of hour's this morning and got myself this little fellow!!!!!!! p.s this gun is for sale......pm for details!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. west yorkshire did mine in 4 weeks,start to finish,but my fac took about 6 weeks as they said they were busy with renewals!!!!!!!!
  19. the place is running wick with em.the farmer had over 200 the first 2 nights after the last sylage cut.we would had bagged up but it's just too wet
  20. me and les had an hour on the lamp last night,only did 2 field's it was pissing down and the land was saturated and was struggling even in 4wd....so we called it a day at midnight!!!!!!!!!
  21. hatsan do make a youth model with a shortened stock so chance's are its one of them you have got!!!!
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