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Everything posted by trentotter

  1. is that gun a benelli no mate,its a winnie sxp !!!!!!!!!
  2. me,les and ian had an hour out nr York this morning!! only 4 decided to come in and 4 were dropped!!!!! result!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. and maybe its coz you scotch are tight twats that don't like falking out for lead!!!!!!!!
  4. nowt wrong with our shooting mate!!!!! we never have to chase a pricked bird round a field,when mine come down they are dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. BBs arnt fox carts!!!!!!!!!!! AAAs and SSGs are fox cartridges!!!!!!!!
  6. me and les went to look at a new perm this morning!! and what a bit on land it is!!!! the first field was around 60 - 70 acre's with a lake right at the side of it!! the second is a bit smaller at around 40 acre's also with a pond at the side of it!!both spots are totally eaten off by the geese and the farmer is wanting em looking after on a daily basis!!! its a 117 mile round trip so we took a local lad and give it to him as he only lives 15 mins away!!! nice to make someones day!!!!!!!and I got a grey to boot!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. yes Raymond,some people have a sense of humour on here ,stupid twat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I have a 10 week old lurcher pup for sale,i bought him as a housedog/worker but my little 2year old lad is petrified of him so he has to go!!!!im in leeds and it needs collecting he's an outside dog that has been indoor's for a week, im wanting £120 for him and defo no messer's and timewasters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. no mate ive put em on or a mate and he prefer's it if there collected!!!! sorry
  10. anyone interested in any spent .223wssm carts??? £20 for 40!!! pm for details!!!!!!
  11. The A team was at it again this morning, we bagged 26!!!!and it didn't cost us a penny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Another good bag this morning!!! 33 between the 6 of us!!! And Les wallopping 2 with one shot!!!!
  13. me,paul penfoilio dave cooper and his brother had a couple of hours on the wheat stubble with les and nailed 10 Canada's!!!!! we pick up 8 but los 2 in the wood!!!
  14. 30-35 mpg???? have you had summat done to the engine?????mine and every other one ive known only did 24 - 28 topps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. have you read the post correctly'there METALmags not plastic ones!!!!!
  16. les had a doo on the wodies today and took his new mate,had a good first day out!!!!
  17. me and les have been given permission to shoot deer on a farm..at the moment its only passed for 22lr. there's about 150-200 acre's with two wooded parts.its mostly pretty flat ,but there are plenty of safe shots to be had..i was wondering if we put in an high seat,it would make it easier to get it passed ??? was just wondering about the criteria on getting it passed!!!!
  18. Winchester are over ratted,remmington and eley are not worth the cupboard space... so if you want a quality round,go for the rws hp subs!!! bullet on bullet every time!!!!!
  19. they like to think its a country,but we know differant !!!
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