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Everything posted by Swampy

  1. A U-Turn on the hunting act you say They wont need to do a U-Turn becuase they already know that free vote (which is what they have promised) wont achieve the result that we would like. I'ts like offer an empty bag of sweets to kid! Politicians!!!! i dont trust a single one... Blair should be in prison for lying to the whole country and having the cheek to do it live on tele... He knew damn well that there wasnt any weapons in Iraq worth getting your knickers in a twist over. Then Dr Kelly (a weapons inspector, the one person that could have stated with authority that there we
  2. I do think that this gay thing is getting out of hand. They even go out in packs hunting!
  3. Oh and if Catcher1 is ou there. Here is his "lurcher" Swampy mincingning
  4. That kind of thing disgusts me. I hope the RSPC* came round and took that kid away! Swampy artistic ning
  5. A U-Turn on the hunting act you say They wont need to do a U-Turn becuase they already know that free vote (which is what they have promised) wont achieve the result that we would like. I'ts like offer an empty bag of sweets to kid! Politicians!!!! i dont trust a single one... Blair should be in prison for lying to the whole country and having the cheek to do it live on tele... He knew damn well that there wasnt any weapons in Iraq worth getting your knickers in a twist over. Then Dr Kelly (a weapons inspector, the one person that could have stated with authority that there we
  6. No I'm not. And wrong! David Cameron promised us a referendum on Europe prior to Irland voting on it for a second time Czechs didn't even get a mention. So a referendum on the Lisbon treaty would effectively been our "ratification".(can't help but see the irony of the word) on Europe. Despite it already being signed by Lab. So a refrendum would still have been an option. It was likely that he was going to run with this tack as he knew he would have an escape route if it all went through. We have been duped in the same way as we were in 1972 by Ted Heath who has admitted he lied to the publ
  7. Here's a dog I came accross (ooh errr missus!) in Wales. I'm sure Malt can shed some light on the breeding. Apparently HE is a good bushing dog and will flush most game. Retrieving and pointing are also qualities that he posesses. He prefers working with "butch" bull crosses. He wants to abolish the hunting act, stop starvation in third world countries and hopefully work with children. rgds Swampy campning
  8. And just so I will get another reaction from all on the THL............A U-Turn on the hunting act will follow once/if they get in? Swampy A very dissalutioned ning
  9. So the Tories have sated that there now WONT be a refendum on Europe! After promising us one since 1997 they have done exactly what Labour did and deny us a fundamental/constitutional right. So thats it Folks You are all now officially European and we can all await with joy the election of the 1st European president......oh hang on he wont be elected will he because europe is a non elected parliment. Tony BeLiar as president?!!!! WTF The man who brought you to where we are today. Who's packing bags now then? Swampy ninging in a multilingual way
  10. My ex wife! no more need be said Swampy Alimoning
  11. Swampy


    Nice dog that rottie grey X mate! Swampy johkingning
  12. Swampy

    Hunting Ban

    :laugh: A Scotsman quoting an Englishman and a Welshman laughing.......Some things never change. He does look up to me........3ft 6in in his high heels and wig And I'm 3ft 8in! So there! rgds Swampy impishning
  13. Swampy

    Hunting Ban

    Ps: I look up to people like Swampy (I don't really ) co's he's middle class and I'm only working class!! I also know my posistion and aim in life its to start a class revolution!! as one of the Tooting Popular Fronts (TPF's) greatest philosopher and Chairman "Wolfie Smith say's "POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!" You fell for it Tom! I'm not really middleclass................I'm just a social climber who has delusions of grandeur and an over inflated ego! Rgds Swampy Jumped upning
  14. Swampy

    Hunting Ban

    BOLLOX! One sniff that the hunting with dogs act (thats all dogs! lurchers, hare hounds, foxhounds and deer hounds) will possibly get repealed and the hunting "community" turns in on itself! Jeez Stand together. For the record Hunting is classless. a measure of class is NOT the size of your wallet! rgds Swampy Middleclass ning coz I like sitting on the fence
  15. Update No3 Took her to the vets last night. Got a right result...........no charge for the "consultation"! however vet couldn't really add any more to what most have said on here. She is old. The fact that she has started to perk up may suggets that she just needs a bit more help with her feeding/diet. smaller sized morsels. Mustn't go over the top with the sugary stuff tho'. it could just be that her internal organs are not functioning as well as they should. He didn't discount a "virus" but said it was unlikely that she would have recovered so quick. Her teeth were ok but he said that th
  16. Of course it isn't. it a Welsh friend of ours who we have taken in as a rehab case...........Her name is Blodwyn. Bless Thanks Malt Swampy Hirsuitning
  17. Or even try the Gamekeeping and conservation forum here at THl rgds swampy Noon ning
  18. Yeah I'm a bit of a pedant when it comes to these things. However right you are about the class issue, you really should read the act with regard to hunting with dogs. If the act is repealed (and lets not hold our breath here!) it will include all the elements of hunting with dogs. Lurchers aswell. I'm sure it will be replaced with something far more complex which may exclude coursing foxes or more than likely a licensing programme where they can at least create a few beureaucratic jobs and generate some revenue for the gov't. However the key issue here is the hunting with dogs element. I
  19. Go West young man Go west! www.shooting4all.com rgds Swampy Beating next Saturday and ninging for game
  20. 'noon Ning to ya Stabbs. would just like to point out that the "hoi poloi" are the working classes mate not the upper classes. Just a small grammatical point No offence intended. Rgds Swampy educationalning
  21. Having also read through your previous posts about Bailey there seem to be quite a few inconsistences. At one point you were going to give him away. I even offered to have him. Apparently I'm too far away!.................Where have I heard that before? You have even stated that with your three kids you just didn't have the time for him. Whats changed? A dog deserves every bit of attention you can give it. Your kids however are far more important. Any spare time you have should be with the kids. Kids don't want expensive toys and trips to Disney (they think they do!) They need quality time
  22. And update for you all. Scarlett (yeah I know never name your ferts!) has continued to improve and was out of her bed at the sound tof the shed door opening. i had crushed her normal food down to make it easier for her to eat. Tip here. Don't put sugar in the water botttle. The sugar that doesn't disolve sits in the pipe and stops the flow of water! she's now got a bowl. Anyway she has been eating the food and its looking a lot more promising. I also put an old sweat shirt in her bed for added warmth. To the vets tonight. Thanks again for all your support peeps. Some good advice all rou
  23. EveNing All. I would just like to say that this particular forum has always been abit more positve than some of the others on THL. Thanks everyone who offered advice and help etc. Even the harsher ones held a certain amount of truth in their substance. Anyway.......she made it thru last night! She has stopped shaking and her breathing is more stable/less eratic. thanks to my 12yo daughter she has been mollycoddled all day. She has managed to get some sugary water down her and she is eating a little small chopped cooked chicken. She is definately more alert but still very weak in her hind
  24. As a droid you have no concept of time..............rum kicking in now! earn the ning bestest rgds swampy must log offning
  25. call out fees are 30 quid mate is she worth it wel by now you should no how is she Might be £30 quid in wales mate! My lad bought her about 7yrs back off a lad in the village. he reckons she was about a year old then........ Are we quibbling here? Asked for a wee bit of advice and help and got some.......from gen peeps. rgds Swamps Ninging as a nurse not having a go mate no way but i just think its the vet you need here 36 hours is a long time not to eat thats all mothing eles you got 3 more years with her yet at say 100 rabbits a year thats a lot Sorry
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