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Everything posted by Swampy

  1. FFS Are all our students this bad at grammar, punctuation and spelling? No fekin wonder our country is going down the pan. There is definately no hope for the future! I suspect that you got kicked out as you were probably having an adverse effect on their league table standings Swampy disparing ning
  2. Rappists?......thats a bit harsh! Just coz YOU don't like that genre of music!.......they shoot each other anyway. Swampy tupac ning
  3. Swampy

    golf balls

    Sorry folks...................its me! I can't hit a straight one for sh*t! rgds Swampy tigerwoodsnotning
  4. If you like your folk try the Peatbog Faeries. Bothy music on acid! Saw them at Cambridge folk festival.....belw me away! rgds Swampy bobharrisning
  5. This site is getting far too "geeky". When the threads title said "bird table" imagine my joy. Now imagine my dissapointment when "bird table" wasn't like the one I had in mind! B'STARDS all of ya! frustrated and slightly perverted ning
  6. HAHA, you are dead right mate, it`s called ask Elvis, he is class and god only knows how he stops himself from cracking up, he certainly has Steve and that Tim pissing themselves. netfull. I was also brought up on those groups you mention and was even lucky enough to see Thin Lizzy at Sheffield city hall on their thunder and lightening tour in 1983. ooops, showing my age now. I too like to listen to Jeremy Vine as he gets one or 2 good debates going. fozzy Ho hum, mere children all of you. I saw Dylan, Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane and The Who all on one bil
  7. Swampy


    You don't need to be! Your a studyent living off the state! Swampy poorning
  8. Nice one ! No flies on you eh ? Swampy buzzning
  9. Should have gone to spec savers ! blind ning
  10. The internet finally has produced something that is of use to us English. http://video.stv.tv/bc/scotland-hogmanay-19881231-stanley-baxter-parliamo-glasgow/ Sit back relax and learn. "Information is knowledge and kowledge is beautiful" ( Frank Zappa, Joes Garage Act II ) Bilingual ning CATCHER ENJOY!
  11. Swampy


    Don't want to get into argument but I happen to know that the inherantee pays the tax on what they recieve. Parents had to sell their house to pay the inheritabce tax on the house they received. We had to pay inheritance tax prior to receiving our dues. I don't get it!?????? Feckin tax man takes your money even when you're dead! B'stardosNing
  12. what are you talking about ya fool..ireland are a far better team than the english although half the team are out injured this year we will still beat yous..and france will fcuking pummel the english I admire your allegiance and if England are to be beaten I would like to think its by the Irish. However, in short.............You are sooooooooooooooooooo wrong. Try and be objective. I know the home nations hate seeing England win anything but that doesn't detract from the fact that we will win. rgds Swampy honestning
  13. Lovin pencil full of lead .................just mkes my heart smile swampy simplening
  14. It really makes my P*ss boil when I here some of the so called "hunters" on here give their "experienced" opinion on wildlife issues. It shows them up for what they really are. A load of old gobsheites! Anyone who has been in the game as long as I have knows exactly what the score is. It aint some dude with a goshawk, it aint no pikeys running their hounds too hard nor is it the dreaded mixy. FFS in this weather fleas are dying out big time. All the bunnies are getting ready for Easter! Duh! rgds Swampy
  15. That and the fact they don't like the folk that turn up with their black labs! Rgds Swampy alturisticning
  16. Swampy


    OK. Now I'm not taking any sides here! Surely as a charity they would exempt from tax? Also had this been signed over to the twunts as a "gift aid" the gov't would have also donated a further percentage. This certainly is the case at Church where our doantions/collection is palced in an envelope and your name and post code are written on it. Government then adds to the donation. I think that as usual the papers haven't given the full facts here and they have gone for the sensationalist approach...........NOT that I'm complaining mind! Rgds Swampy charitablening
  17. Very good. swampy ning for the first time on 17/02/10 11:11
  18. Aye ATF I like your thinking. Play the first two games sheite and take the wins then for the next three play decent! You mustn't peak to early eh? Please expalin though;Why does England get slated for scoring 17 points against wales when they were down to 14 men, but there is no mention of the points scored against scotland when they were down to 13! Mmmmmmmm Double standards methinks! Rgds Swampy Last ning before bed time cider
  19. Swampy


    FFS What are you on? Complete and utter TWUNT! Swampy disdainfulning
  20. Swampy

    welldone wales

    Definately lost their heads. Could never understand why the restart ever went ahead let alone why the ball never went dead and take the draw with 13 men. Just re read that and I still get angry about the sheer stupidity of it. wales were let off the hook. Still if they play like they did in the 1st 70 mins then there will be a few worried heads in the england camp......and the Irish. Still a thoroughly good game for entertainment purposes! Swampy Calcuttacupning
  21. I know you're having a rant and anger may have taken over but. Why are YOU pm ing the mods to have a post that YOU wrote, removed? Not quite sure who your giving the finger to. The silly posters or the genuine hunters. Any chance you could edit your post for clarity? rgds Swampy confused ning
  22. 'Ning Be fair. Italy never looked like scoring a try. They would only have "nicked" it through penalties. Had JW kicked the 8 points the game would have been out of sight for Italy. It wasn't a brilliant win and we should have put the game away very early on. To say that "we got away with it" I think is naive. We were never going to lose. I just think that everyone expects more (and should) and folk like seeing England struggle. Let us also not forget that Italy played a blinder of a game and others should take heed! It won't be long before they will be snapping at the heels of us all......
  23. Swampy

    welldone wales

    I'll have my tuppence if thats OK? Scotland were as I suspected brilliant. Wales didn't have a clue. Last week England were accused of capitilising on playing against 14 men. So playing against 13 men is OK? Wales did not win. Scotland threw it away through stupidity and lack of discipline. Fair play to Wales to keep at it though. Should have been a draw. Clock had gone red before the restart. All the same a thoroughly entertaining game, good to see the scots back on track. I think wales has more to worry about after their performance than England do. Its shaping up to be an interesting
  24. Thats the spirit! Swampy philosophical ning
  25. France are far from unbeatable, in recent years that have been beaten by England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland ran them close last year. The thing I was saying about France is that you never know what's going to happen when they take to the pitch... True words mate! swampy ninging instead of working ha ha
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