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Everything posted by Swampy

  1. Swampy


    Aye fair feks.great defence! sadning
  2. Swampy


    NO MORE NINGING.So we'll have to settle for the tournament without a grand slam
  3. Swampy


  4. Swampy


    Cant deny O'Gara is quality! Tense times 10 cans of cider 3 fags and still buzzing ning
  5. Swampy


    A bit premature maybe ....but that "lol" may come back to haunt you1 Oh my! Was that Jonny?!!!!!!! Get IN! HAPPYNING
  6. Swampy


    WTF is the french linesman on about. WRONG and it cost us. Still plenty of time to win this. 2nd ciggy.........NOT GOOD nicotined up to f*ck ning
  7. Swampy


    Not overly worried just yet.....................gulp Just had 1st fag for nearly a week.now high as a kite. England still look in command........................Just. Need quicker ball. Might get caught napping again. Stop silly mistakes and we'll be OK Nervous ning
  8. Swampy


    An English ref! Lets hope he isn't as biased as some of the jocks on here eh? Swampy official ning of th RBS
  9. Swampy


    Some interesting calls. Michelak? WTF Jocks need a BIG win today. Good luck lads! Swampy Ninging in a kilt
  10. Swampy


    Aye Lee Byrne threw it....................................Twice!!!!! Shane saved your face boyos!! Dissaapointed ning
  11. Swampy


    sorry mate id rather sing flower of scotland than that tune of the nation of qizzlings :sick: Quite right GTE! Have Wales turned up? C'mon boyos. Plrase don;t lose to les froggies
  12. Swampy


    Never mind TOMO mate, us Welsh have no problem cheering on France against England, our celtic brethren Scotland & Ireland go without saying, hell we'd even cheer Pakistan on over England if they had a rugby team... To be sung to the tune of "She'll be coming round the mountain!" "I would rather wear a turban than a rose....!" :laugh: Ahh Malt you lot are like mischevious children. Wales = Perry, Scotland = Kevin. You keep banging on about how you hate your parents but deep down you're lost without us! Rgds Swampy Patronising ning just watch wales bea
  13. Swampy


    Never mind TOMO mate, us Welsh have no problem cheering on France against England, our celtic brethren Scotland & Ireland go without saying, hell we'd even cheer Pakistan on over England if they had a rugby team... To be sung to the tune of "She'll be coming round the mountain!" "I would rather wear a turban than a rose....!" :laugh: Ahh Malt you lot are like mischevious children. Wales = Perry, Scotland = Kevin. You keep banging on about how you hate your parents but deep down you're lost without us! Rgds Swampy Patronising ning
  14. Swampy


    Just thought I'd bring this up again as I don't think the taffys here have the balls or the stupidity to mention it themselves. Wales or France?..............from Englands point of view a draw would be the best result. I will of course be shouting for wales. I could never support a foreign team especially the french. Ireland? Sorry boys not this year! Scotland? I think you blew it against Ireland. Italy? They can still trip a couple up! france. The ones to beat. And England are the only team that can do it! Rgds Swampy pin pulled, grenade dropped, retired to a safe d
  15. your right mate we are always on the next plane home but once again there is a bright side it makes booking the tickets easy Not to mention that we nip down to rape and pillage england whilst your away...lol English women like a bit of jock.... Aye they do. Barbequed normally! Although I have known them to have them sauted or even stir fried. Deep fat frying them takes too long due to the excess fat and excess mars bars1 Swampy galloping gourmet ning
  16. Man! You guys have some limited experience. Some parts of London..Fulham Chelsea etc.... Leamington Spa...don't fekin know why! But hands down winner is without a doubt Chelmsford....again I haven't got a fekin clue why! Just don't let them talk! I'll leave it to your imagination how you do that! Swansea if you like foreigners Glasgow...ditto (must keep the old laws alive!) Dublin, again a good trappin' area! rgds Swampy Studning
  17. Swampy

    a cole

    :clapper: is she a good shag though Nah not really. She does swing both ways mind. She has a tattoo just below her belly button that says "Girls Allowed"! Ning Ning ( Thats Bi ning)
  18. your right mate we are always on the next plane home but once again there is a bright side it makes booking the tickets easy And cheaper you tight feks! Swampy economic ning
  19. Please don't Zap! Some woouldn't get it. It makes me ......smile in an ironic way, that some of galic dissent slag England and when us English defend our country we are accused of "throwing toys ou..", "spitting dummies out" etc etc.seems we are not even allowed to voice our allegiance! More intelligent folk of galic decent (spelling correct!)do understand the banter. Unfortunately the ignorant out number the intelligent........ and the intelligent are quieter. A bit like parliament! rgds swampy Quietly ninging in a smug english stylee
  20. Swampy

    a cole

    Don't waste your time lads .....she makes a crap breakfast! Swampy dunner ning
  21. Swampy


    sorted !! Now why would anyone want that rag waving about under your name? Strange folk on here! rgds Swampy Ps Sounder if you change my flag.................................................... ninging at machII
  22. What is this? Lets all wind up Swampy and push his buttons day or something? Don't fekin get me started! Check out the CEP web site. It'll happen one day. We'll all be regional assemblies with all our power devolved to brussels. The MPs will then just be vying for a position in brussels which is where the "real" gravy train departs! rgds Swampy like a coiled spring Ning and vibrating at the speed of light
  23. Sorry to piss on your bonfire, but we've already been! We got the the quarter finals in '58 and were put out by Pele! Yeah that sounds about right! 11 welsh players against Pele and they still manage to lose! Nings to ya Malt
  24. Don't wish to put an end to the thread..........just the rubbish from the sweaties and the taffs. Friday Night I suspect there'll be a lot of singing in french! And italiano all round for the scotts RBS grand champions NING
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