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Everything posted by Swampy

  1. I've got both. Or rather I have the wooden handled one and my lad has the pressed metal one. I believe the wooden handled one is used by the dutch military aswell and is quite handy.My lads is really good................In sand only, its ok for camping and cutting turf out for fires etc but vey little else. Get yourself a proper grafter ideally an insulated one. you can't beat them. rgds Swampy Digger ning
  2. I have attached pics of my Poles. Sadly gone now. Not the best hunters as they was too big to get in sone buries but great characters and as soft as you could wish for. There were three kits and I suspect that because the mother only had three they had no shortage of milk when they were young because both the mother and the father were tiny beggers.
  3. Wrong on both counts ! Firstly the tail is v similar to a ferts and secondly try taming my fekin kids!!!! I dare ya!! rgds Swampy Parental ning
  4. Is it a mink? Really? I had a hob ferret as big as that not so long ago. Fekin Useless nless the warren was as big as a badgers set! Unconvinced ning
  5. I'm sure there are many bad guys buried under car parks in leicester if the looked hard enough. His pay and display ticket would be worth a few bob by now. Speculative ning
  6. BINGO When the prize is usually over £200 it's worth a quid!! Any 20 year old who is going on the piss in a working mans club and playing bingo needs f***ing shooting, now call me old fashioned, but IMHO at 20 odd you should spend your weekends up to your balls in the most perverted old slappers you can lay hands too, totally wasted or be travelling away to other places in the country and going in the rough boozers there to see what your really made of.........preferabally, both! Good ol' Wilf .proper Kulture witha capital "K". But totally right.............This time! rgd
  7. Unfortunately Not. As stated in my previous post. Please will people stop beleiving the shite that is put in papers....especially the daily fail! Who was it who said "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." ? On the positive side all the horse meat in Tesco burgers was all Kosher. rgds Swampy Anti scaremongering ning
  8. Taken from the New Zealand Herald. Now my maths is not fantastic but............ One plant produces 1/8 of its meat as Halal % certified hala plants does not equate to % halal nmeat produced. It then goes on to say there are 48 certified plants employing 200+ employees who are halal certified. This equates to less than 1/2 of all the meat processing plants in New Zealand. From the figures provided if you choose to uses the dubious figures of a news paper article, it would be fair to say that less than 13% of meat produced in NZ is Hala. Further it states that the anilmals are stunn
  9. Loaded Borities there once. Ther's a mental hospital on the hill over looking the town. Small place with more pubs than houses it seemed. The big pub as the Shannon Hotel i remember. For a small town it was sure a wild night out. The nurses from the hospital especially so
  10. There's a kilimanjaro in Takoradi too! However that was reasonably civilised in that you actually got a mug with your beer. Some bad places down the coast in Nigeria especially Lagos. West african ning been in there swamps . Is up market the one in acra. Is a little bit more. Brash. Never got to a bar in lagos are sponcer would not let us out of the landcruiser. Lol. A wise sponsor. I believe you need a bullet proof vehicle in some parts of Lagos now. Its justa place that needs avoiding
  11. The Crystal Palace in St Albans. Now long gone. Used to be head quarters of the British chopper club. Always some dick head who fancied his chances againsst a load of hairy bikers. The front window was in a constant state of repair from having people thrown through it. Turn your glass upside down on the bar and it meant you'll take on anyone. Some damn fine fights in that place. All the other pubs kicked up a stink when it was going to be closed as they didn't want the clientelle in their pubs. I beleiev they moved to The Midland opposite The Horn of Plenty befor even that closed. A good d
  12. Was in Cardiff back in the eighties and somehow eneded up in a bar close to town. Sawdust on the floor, no chairs and predominantly served cider. All the Alkis drank there from 10:00. It stank of piss puke and shit, but some excellent cider served. Saw some real saddos in there who had literally shat themselves at the bar but carried on drinking. Never any fights, folk were too drunk to stand up straight let alone fight. I think it got closed on health grounds. Stayed drinking in Llandaff after that! welsh ning
  13. There's a kilimanjaro in Takoradi too! However that was reasonably civilised in that you actually got a mug with your beer. Some bad places down the coast in Nigeria especially Lagos. West african ning
  14. With you mate and guys this man knows what he is saying, its a cruel and barbaric way to kill things the Muslims and the Jews both conduct un stunned slaughter and it sickenes me but we can't question it as we will be accused of being racist or spun off to how bad the Jews were treated in the holocaust..... You know what ..... I could not give a f**k if you call me racist and i don't want to hear about the holocaust all i want is them lot to get out of my countryor follow my country's rules and for people to follow the same law together not exemptions hear and there for different races !!!! Ra
  15. I wasgoing to edit this post to include the scotts and the west englanders but then realised that the original statement captures them in the three stated. The Original ning
  16. Yeah right. As usual the Scots couldn't plan a piss up in a distillery. Its never going to happen. keep dreaming! England will always be your masters. An intelligent person would have "got it" after all this time! Superior ning!
  17. No Fekin french! I rest my case! at least they were better than the sassenachs rest mt case BIG NING Your were wrong so you try to substantiate it with a completely subjective statement. Please! They fekin lost! Frickin Scots will be changing their minds when they get their independence. for too long you've been a millstone around our necks. I wonder if you'll like the french then? Union ning
  18. You can't hunt anything with it bar rats. They're a bloody nuisance
  19. No Fekin french! I rest my case!
  20. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-21246928 I hate crossbows. They're usually owned by chavs, idiots and pikeys
  21. I've been testing drugs for decades. Cost me a bloody fortune. Last test I did at the workplace I recognised 9/10 I tried. Swampy high ning
  22. It surprising they havnt ,if i ever met a royal it would be the first thing i would ask them. i would say hello first just to keep it a little respective......... I always start with "Good morning, How do you like your eggs?" rgsd Swampy royalning
  23. I would be interested to see how much the RSPCA pay its chief executives. Surely this information is in the public domain.....Hang on I'll google it.......http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/city-pay-culture-has-spread-to-charities-union-says-1817725.html Fek me I'm definitely in the wrong game. Mind you I'm sure that the CEO of the CA is doing alright. Nowt will change lads so don't hold your breath. Keep hunting, Fek em all! Swampy Defiant ning
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