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Everything posted by Swampy

  1. You're not wrong. Yet again the employees are suffering because of the employers incompetence. Virgin at least would know how to run it properly so the analagy with the miners strike not quite there.......Good attempt tho' Tops! rgds Swampy activistning
  2. C'mon guys leave the man alone. Defeat is a bitter pill to swallow. I for one would not hesitate in helping him wash it down with a few pints of pre tax home brew cider. Swampy Pouring ning
  3. Who needs you tube eh? Swampy mashingning
  4. That quality! Saw PD at Glasto with Baby Shambles. A genius who just got F8cked up. Its a fine line between madness and genius.......... Swampy Ninging on the last boat to Cairo
  5. No worries mate.............. At least I won! rgds Swampy victorious ning
  6. I don't think (know) anyone is having a pop at our boys abroad here. Its just that you cannot draw parallels like that mate. Yes I believe they are gettin a raw deal out there. But I also think that some folk at home are getting one too.....There is no comparison though. Its about time that more workers starte shouting about it..............That doesn't preclude the armed forces either. Socialist ning
  7. Apology accepted graciously. Ninging with self rightousness
  8. Ric. I hope you're not suggesting my statement was insincere! brgds Swampy gallentning
  9. I believe you can get something to treat verbal diarrhea, have you seen a doctor. I bet you lot rue the day you taught gypo's to read & write! Explains so much....had I known I really wouldn't have bothered or I would have used smaller words.....probably the former Reading is not intelligence......................! Self diagnosis and treatment I suspect. Last ning
  10. When did I say that Harris were no good for falconry? You TWUNTING FEKTARD No apologies for insults on this occasion as you still just don't get it! Malt, Don't bother. I think his problems with size may be as a result of something a lot closer to home! In the interest of trying to point out one mans failings, which is evidently an exercise in futility, I am happy to make the following statement; IT'S FACT! BUZZARDS/KITES CAN'T LIFT AdULT RABBITS/HARES. IT'S NEVER HAPPENED. ALL THE PICTURES HAVE BEEN "DOCTORED". MY SON AND MYSELF ACTUALLY HAD A COINCIDENTAL HALLUCINATION. HARRIS
  11. Swampy

    BST + 1

    Most on here don't know what daylight is! Vampire with SAD ning
  12. Craig. We both know that that pic has either been "photoshopped" or its actually the cuddly toy bunny that Romany has for his regressive therapy sessions(He's going to be very upset when he finds out!) or its the rabbit that has caught the bird and is jumping back to his warren to eat it! Swampy disbelieving ning i know what romany means,its not a regular occurrence and some couldnt manage it but it does happen occasionally and some can manage it,that 1st pic i posted the buzzard hit a thermal and just soared 150ft without flapping a wing,and for the record ive flown an
  13. The "cut splice" is in actual fact a corruption of "cu*t splice" due to its shape and purpose. Also; there is only one knot. Swampy whipping his rope ends since 1979 Ning
  14. Craig. We both know that that pic has either been "photoshopped" or its actually the cuddly toy bunny that Romany has for his regressive therapy sessions(He's going to be very upset when he finds out!) or its the rabbit that has caught the bird and is jumping back to his warren to eat it! Swampy disbelieving ning
  15. You've made a twat of yourself now mate, now go and read about what harris hawks can take in falconry terms. The harris is the most popular bird in falconry for a reason. You judge a birds capability by the size of it's feet , harris hawks feet are twice the size of a buzzards. Very few buzzards in falconry will even take adult rabbits, where as a lot of small male harris's will take hares, most females will take hares with ease, my female has taken an adult ferrel cat and even caught a fox but luckily got shook off. So think again mr know it all, you need to do a bit more reading. I've come t
  16. You've made a twat of yourself now mate, now go and read about what harris hawks can take in falconry terms. The harris is the most popular bird in falconry for a reason. You judge a birds capability by the size of it's feet , harris hawks feet are twice the size of a buzzards. Very few buzzards in falconry will even take adult rabbits, where as a lot of small male harris's will take hares, most females will take hares with ease, my female has taken an adult ferrel cat and even caught a fox but luckily got shook off. So think again mr know it all, you need to do a bit more reading. I've come t
  17. You've made a twat of yourself now mate, now go and read about what harris hawks can take in falconry terms. The harris is the most popular bird in falconry for a reason. You judge a birds capability by the size of it's feet , harris hawks feet are twice the size of a buzzards. Very few buzzards in falconry will even take adult rabbits, where as a lot of small male harris's will take hares, most females will take hares with ease, my female has taken an adult ferrel cat and even caught a fox but luckily got shook off. So think again mr know it all, you need to do a bit more reading. I've come t
  18. Absolutely Right Ric! I'm brave.but not stupid! Brgds Swampy cowering in the corner ning
  19. You've made a twat of yourself now mate, now go and read about what harris hawks can take in falconry terms. The harris is the most popular bird in falconry for a reason. You judge a birds capability by the size of it's feet , harris hawks feet are twice the size of a buzzards. Very few buzzards in falconry will even take adult rabbits, where as a lot of small male harris's will take hares, most females will take hares with ease, my female has taken an adult ferrel cat and even caught a fox but luckily got shook off. So think again mr know it all, you need to do a bit more reading. I've come t
  20. All I can say is smallest fecking hare I've ever seen. I know for a fact that my female harris, the same size as a buzzard, can not get a full grown rabbit up to her nest ledge. But your blurry tiny image says I'm a liar. I have just googled your Harris. Length 48-56cm 19-22" Wingspan 110-120cm 43-47" Weight 500-1200g 18-42oz A kite can have a wing span of up two metres and are considerably heavier. Especially the female. BUZZARDS on the other hand........ Buzzard: Buteo buteo Distribution: throughout Europe, except parts of eastern Britain, northern Scandinavia &
  21. All I can say is smallest fecking hare I've ever seen. I know for a fact that my female harris, the same size as a buzzard, can not get a full grown rabbit up to her nest ledge. But your blurry tiny image says I'm a liar. Or the biggest bird? Had I known that what we witnessed was to be challenged by an omnipitant. I would have rushed to my brothers house and borrowed his Nikon with bazooka sized lense, raced back and got a clearer shot of said event. However, being as this isn't something that occurs on a daily basis my phone was the only recording item I had at hand. Also why else would
  22. Et Voila. Courtesy of my computer illiterate wife, bless her, she has managed to e-mail these from the comp at home. They are taken on a Nokia 6233. Have not been "doctored" and were taken seconds after the bird had swooped over the landy. Fresh blood was visable on the snow after the bird FLEW away which indicated that he may have killed it. We didn't see the strike though. The hare was easily recognisable and did appear to kick when on the ground. Unfortunately when my boy moved in for a closer pic he spooked it and off she went. WITH THE HARE! Romany. I'm sure you'll have an excelle
  23. Bound to ! when you get ejits who can't accept someone elses point of view. I've seen a buzzard fly with a hare. End of. If he don't believe it (Romany)then he the lesser for it and shall remain ignorant. How the Fek can he tell its a leveret from that pic? Jeez he's in the wrong game. He should be analysing satelite photos for the CIA.........or maybe he does and THAT explains the fek ups the yanks have at targeting innocent civilians. Sorry Digressing NinW What ever mate, I've read that a red kite can't carry anything more than a sub adult rabbit, do I belive them or you ?
  24. Why am I not surprised? nonplussed ning
  25. If they thought it would win them the election they would! Somehow I don't think there is enough of us to make a difference to the outcome! poll ning Swamps, shove that finger where the sun dont shine! Get out of that porta cabin will you and see the light........ I think this time there will be, wheather it makes a difference who knows. There aint no sunshine anywhere today....Rain yes hence I'm not going out there! Besides Today I'm sat in a fully fitted purpose built office. More gadgets = More Bullshite. I think this time there will be, wheather it
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