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The Badger

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Everything posted by The Badger

  1. Still got 22500 up for grabs mate - 4 1/2 sleeves I'll have 5000 for £40 matey, send me ya Paypal address fella. Cheers Steve.
  2. Hello again matey, re-read your post not realising that you had an unfortunate mishap with you friends terrier, so i retract my offer to sell and now offer you 2 kits for free of your preferance to replace the ones you had. As said these are now ready and come from working parents as can be seen also. Let me know matey, good luck. Steve.
  3. Hello fella, im in Liverpool so not too far from you matey, i have 9 kits, 9weeks old, hobs & jills, from excellent working stock, (use parents working with hawks) if your interested, already weened onto food, rabbits, pheasant, duck etc, still with the mum at the moment as dont normally split until 10 weeks old. Plus i have an excellent little jill which is 1 year old from last years stock. Kits will be £10 each 1 year old Jill £15 Cheers Steve.
  4. Hello fella, so you still have them and how many do you have? Cheers Steve.
  5. Evening all, as some of you may already know i have 3 Harris Hawks and 3 ferrets, (of which have just bred 12 kits) so as you can imagine go thru quite a bit of food...... unfortunately due to personal circumstances i cannot get out for a couple more weeks to stock up on food for them so am having to resort to butchers which is proving very costly. So the question i am asking is there anyone local within 20 or so miles from Liverpool that can offer me some rabbits/woodpigeon/squirrel etc anything really they are not fussy, ha ha. i would pay for these of course? Any help would be grat
  6. Great footage matey, what IR source are you using on the Sony Cam? Got the Aspro Digi NV and the Sony PC9e myself just waiting for the arrival of my N1000ap laser. Ste.
  7. 3 for sale here matey, 2 females and a male, 14weeks old today so will be ready to go in a week or 2 fella. In Liverpool so not too far. Both parents excellent hunting cast, proven fantastic previous young. Pm me if you're interested. Not sure how much they are going for as Son is out hunting and they're his, so will ask when he gets home later. Steve
  8. Hello chaps, can anyOne PM me Micks number as one I have not connecting so presume he has a new one, please? Many thanks Steve.
  9. Hello all, does anybody know what frequency the grey ferret finder boxes work on at all please? Just that one of mine has stopped working and seen as Deben don't repair them anymore enquiries led me to an electronics chap who needs to know what frequency they work at......this information could lead into many more locators being repaired as i know quite a few peaple out there have the same problem and i will feedback any information i get. Also if anybody knows of any persons/companies who will repair these boxes also post up please as that would be even better for all us who ferret in the l
  10. Looking for some kids realtree jacket and trousers to fit a 4/5 year old and 6/7 year old, and same age for Meindl boots, even Deerhunter/Seeland or Harkila suits will do, you know the stuff thats decent chaps. This is for the 2 Grandsons to get them out with me this winter flying the Hawks and shooting, start them young eh??? Hope someone can help me out here please, save me paying shop prices when they'll grow out of them by next season. Thanks a million, Steve.
  11. Post a pic up fella, and i'll let me lad know, his is bit tatty now. Ste. PM me when pic is up please.
  12. Oh i forgot one thing make sure lamp is a variable beam fella. Ste.
  13. The lad has just bought the 22 amp lithium battery and its spot on, he uses it on the striker which i think is ample enough as the blitz is too big and bulky, other people may think differently although the striker is enough for what we need it for. Ste.
  14. Are you talking about Martins avatar or the wasp ha ha.
  15. Anyone know where i can get purse net pegs near Liverpool area, or some hazel to make my own, need a few dozen. Cheers Ste.
  16. I have 7 week old kits available. I have 6 jills and 3 hobs from excellent working parents who i work with the hawks. I am in Liverpool and if you want good stock its worth travelling too. These are being fed on rabbit/quail/wood pigeon/pheasant/duck/chicks and anything the hawks leave...... They will be £10 each, just to recover some food costs, and i don't beleive people should give animals away for free as it entices kids to get them who eventually get bored and the animals are the ones to suffer eventually, but if they pay for them they tend to care more overall as it will have cost th
  17. Hello fella, i have 7 week old kits available now matey. I have 6 jills and 3 hobs from excellent working parents who i work with the hawks. I am in Liverpool which is not too far away and if you want good stock its worth travelling too. These are being fed on rabbit/quail/wood pigeon/pheasant/duck/chicks and anything the hawks leave...... They will be £10 each, just to recover some food costs, and i don't beleive people should give animals away for free as it entices kids to get them who eventually get bored and the animals are the ones to suffer eventually, but if they pay for t
  18. Oh yeh, and before the Landy owners come to defend their beloved Landys..... I own both the Sj and Disco 300tdi.
  19. Can't beat the good 'ole Sj for offroading, not the best on the road but certainly capable if not better than keeping up with the Landrover offroad, i should know, just come back from 3 days offroading in the wilds of Scotland. Superb.....!!!
  20. no 1 talk to this anti grass hes a grass tha will get u nicked for huntin dnt say nfin around him hes a member of the anti websites the grass

  21. Excellent isn't it matey, well done to you too for giving her the chance, needs more youngsters introducing to our hobbies only along the right side of the law. Great to see their faces when they actually start acheiving the results they want. Think she smiled when she hit the target, wait till she bags that 1st rabbit or pigeon fella, be no getting out without her at your side then mate. Good luck bud and keep it up, Steve. P.S. My lad started when he was 10, now he's 23 got 5 working dogs, harris hawks, ferrets and travels the length and breath of the country hunting, can't slow him down
  22. Can anyone let me know please? Also like to know the answer to the above question too, if anyone knows? Someone who's bought one must know??? Steve.
  23. Where about are you matey as not sure if Davie Glosgow was you name or name and location, as my mate is looking for one to fit in his Discovery 300tdi, would you know if it will fit or know anyone with a Disco to try and see if it fits, if not can you send me measurements, side to side(across), top to bottom(height), and front to back(depth). He is in Liverpool area, and can pick up if localish, if not could you send via courier? Sorry for all the questions bud, Steve.
  24. ive been out a few times with the father 2 these young birds if they turn out half as good as him theyll be great birds Cheers Mick, you out flying yet matey, mines up and free fella, keen as hell, up on last seasons weight of 1lb 8oz to 1lb 9.5oz, just needs bit more fitness flying so think he'll be hunting at 1lb 9oz, hits the glove like a rocket already now. Ste.
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