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About Foxy09

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  1. Hi Davie, pup looks great, ill be out tonight after number three! Atb Billy
  2. I live in what was once a keepers cottage and is now named after him as he took his own life with a 12bore in the kitchen, he had been unwell for a while and was awaiting test results back with a strong history of cancer in his family the thought of the illness was to much for him to bare. The results came back clear.
  3. Hello there, send me your email address as I am interested, scottyboy21@talktalk.net thanks Gary V. PM only please.
  4. For sale.. 5x Mk4 Fenn traps, practically new Bodygrip trap (used needs a clean up) Kania trap used in full working order 2x scissor mole traps perfect working order. £60 posted in the UK PM serious enquiries only please.
  5. Everything apart from the ferret boxes is still available. PM FOR MORE DETAILS.
  6. Boxes are sold sorry, rest is still going
  7. £90 posted for the lot
  8. Cleared out an old work shed of mine and have the following for sale. Kania squirrel trap (needs side plate but is in full working order) 5x Mk4 Fenn traps. 2x Scissor mole traps. Magnum body grip spring trap ( needs cleaned up) Rabbit dummy with line and handle. 1ltre hand hump sprayer. Ben long Falconry kite reel and line. Ben long falconry lure handle. 5x Mixed Falconry Hoods. 1xdouble divided ferret carry box. 1xdouble ferret carry box.
  9. So to summarise you use the device to stop re-infestation by collapsing the burrows ok ive got that much. So that would be along the idea of a mole or moles would be discouraged on entering a piece of land because there are no mole runs there? A clever mole or maybe just your average mole actually might find it much easier to burrow through soil which has been freshly blown up, just a thought.
  10. You would think that being a user of these devices you would like to put forward what you feel are the advantages to try and give others a better understanding and therefor possibly end some prejudices. But since you do not feel the need to share i will have a stab in the dark for you. You give a client a price for Mole trapping and you give the client a price for Mole trapping with "burrow collapsing" to stop "re-infestation"??? Im guessing the customers who do not take it are the ones who have either used this "benefit" before or ones which are completely clueless and take everything you say
  11. Yes and the use of alley phos gas is a much better way to die?? No dig intended, but defra and natural england reccomend the use of gas to vacate occupied runs before blasting. And we all know how successfull that method is!! I have one of these devices and yes i use it, For the removal of tunnel systems. I trap more than my fair share of moles, using traditioanl teqhniques and have done for a good number of years. Molecatching makes up probably % of my work. The tunnel blaster adds to the service i offer, some want it some dont but by the time it comes into use i will have already
  12. Completely agree about the burrow blasting instruments, the only saving grace being that i think it is only a matter of time before they are miss-used to the point of them being banned. As far as every tom dick and harry wanting to become a Mole catcher i can see your point and have definitely noticed an increase in interest myself. In a way the strychnine ban i feel may have been a nail in the coffin as it suddenly made Mole catching much more sought after and then in turn lucrative to the traditional and regular mole catcher and unfortunately this day in age when anything under the sun sudd
  13. Just work out your expenses for doing the work i.e fuel etc then charge him minimum wage per hour on the ground on top of that if your not fussed about the money, but do bare in mind if you do go down the charging him route you will need to have proper public liability insurance and the full method statements and risk assessments in place for carrying out the work.
  14. Is anyone using the Collarum in an urban environment, gardens etc? Im finding more and more Foxes are becoming trap shy in these environments and would like to hear about anyones experiences with this trap in urban or any environment really. Cheers
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