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Everything posted by salty81

  1. just lock the gate an they will no you they have been there and if it carrys on get few blokes to sit and wait they will get a scare and prog stay away
  2. well i havent meet one that is as clever as a collie yet but they do me
  3. AND HERES A PIC OF THE PUP ROB WAS TELLING YOU ABOUT. HES 7MTHS OLD, STANDING 25" tts, HE OUT OF A DOG CALLED 'MORGAN' FROM DOWN THE VALLEYS (I THINK THATS WHAT ROB SAID ANYHOW). hi thats a very smart dog dnt think rob tolld me about that one oh and let rob no he was spot on about bert he 100% get rob to give me a ring and we will sort a nite out next week if he stiil wants thanks all the best
  4. collie grey hound mate carnt go rong great lil dogs
  5. come on lads lets see some more 3/4 1/4 bull greys
  6. true true mate thats the best way and take your time dont just slip your dog on the first bunny you see good luck
  7. he looks well salty81,anymore pics more pics of bert Looking Good that dog Mate thanks bud shoud have some more in the next 15 mins he is a true dog and loves wat he is good at
  8. i would say they are bull xs as iv seen some staffy xs go like f..ck so to me they are bull xs if they aint out of shit stuff
  9. i have a 3/8 5/8 and my 3/4 1/4 is harder and will catch more will put some more pics of bert up trying to resize them
  10. To be honest there not that far off full speed. Mine uses his nose loads and has got brains. The grayhound of today was a hunting dog and bull was put into it to bulk them up when they became to fine. how are the feet? scotty to be onist mine has got shit feet
  11. he looks well salty81,anymore pics more pics of bert
  12. i wouldnt be with out mine but also wouldnt be with out my stronger ones
  13. he looks well salty81,anymore pics il get some more of him to moz thats an old pic
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