i was thinking a smooth russle. infact i did mention that to him ha.
i was thinking about a plummer but have never actually seen one work, or even just seen one infact!!
i also wouldnt have any idea were to start looking for a working border either
thanks again guys
alirght lads
just alittle info from you guys would be good if at all poss.
i have a mate that is looking at getting himself a terrier but he seems to want a border. i have heard some horror storys about these and im wondering what your thoughts are?... thats the first question ha.
now on to the second... if he was to get a differnt type what wouyld you suggest?? but first heres what will be needed/wanted from the dog:
. Firstly it will be a companion.
. he wants to do some ratting with it (living on a farm/livery)
. he would like to do some bushing also with the lurcher
thanks for all the info guys. helped me alot. there was no blood this morning at all and none at lunchtime, but im trying to keep her calm as i can (thats a job in its self!!) i just dont want it to re-open at some point and have to start again.
tyla... i gave you a call bud but no answer? i think i have the righht number but not sure? give me a bell when you get a min please mate
thanks again for all the help.
Thanks bud. The bleedings stopped for now. Il get some wound powder etc in the morning.
There was a bit of claret about. Didnt help she was still charging about tho
Alright guys
The pups managed to cut 2 of her front toe pads on glass. It was in the garden and it was my mistake missing a piece of glass bowl i broke.
I managed to clean it up and bandaged it up, but being a pup she took it off in about 20mins. I managed to stop it bleeding and got her away in the crate (were she took the dressing off) as i thought that may stop the cuts opening up again.
Would you sugest putting anything on the cuts? Also im guessing not to walk her on it for a day or two tou stop dirt getting in it?
She can walk on it fine and doesnt seem to be bothered by it
they are right to explaine thier policy on hear as it was brought up, i havent seen anything to suggest that they are antis and after all it is a public forum guys.
i mean if someone was to claim and not get the cover they thought atleast theres an explination.
BUT!!! as said before i would like to know what is classed as a working dog? breed, farm dog etc. Also as was said before, if a dog was to chase something in a public park etc and had an injury were would you stand?
cheers guys
Alright boys and girls.
I was wondering if many of you guys have your dogs insured at all?
If so could you give me a few leads on were.to look.
Thanks guys
Hey guys
I was just wondering if anyone here uses split cane rods and old reels anymore?
Me and a friend have a couple and a couple of old mitchell 300 reels that we are going to use. We also make our own floats aswell.
So anyone?
i know what you mean bud, its better if you and a friend/s shoot 410 as you can get the carts cheaper with the bulk orders. but alot of people wont shoot them as they think its 'not enougth gun' wich is absolute rubbish! lol
sweet, il have a proper look at them in a bit.
my pal has a couple of the gaffer collars aswell dont know why i didnt think about that. il give hime a messege in a bit
if its shooting low mount is incorrect or the stock is to short
i think he means you shoot them differantly as there is 'extra barrel' above the barrel (if that makes sense lol) so its all about adjusting the way you shoot/hold the hush poweres.