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Everything posted by rascal_2005

  1. There some good books. And im done with them so time for some one else to enjoy them
  2. rascal_2005


    i thought the same thing yesterday??
  3. whats the name of the vid coz i cant see the vid?
  4. hi guys i got for sale a few books and some snares. snares are brand new, never even been out the box. come with tealers and pegs. looking for £10 posted and a mixture of books. im looking for £5 posted each for thhe books. thanks guys john
  6. Wulls id love to have friends like yours haha. I find when i talk to people with a working dog as a pet with no work what so ever,(be it a gundog,terrier or lurcher) i hear the same old thIng..... He/shes a lil bitch/b*****d!! He/she chews everything It wont listen when we are out It wants to chase everything Lol some people (not all) really are not ready for what they are letting them selfs in for! John
  7. ??? Hummm, why would you want it hidden???
  8. whats the name of the video on youtube? cant see it here for some reason?
  9. no problem buddy! was good to put a face to the name, maby next time we will walk away without haveing to course ourselfs, if you know what i meen lol
  10. Heres the pups that my pal got! http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/197761-58-greyhound-38-deerhound/page__hl__doxhope
  11. Hi gibbo, sorry mate im kinda new to the world of dogs, whats asha's?? Cheers bud John
  12. hi gibbo. he was brought from a guy on this forum, im pretty sure the father was a first cross put over a gh bitch? but hes not my pup he is a friends. the sire is doing his bit tho i love the way they are so chilled untill the time comes to 'turn on'!!! il try get a decent pic of him up for you. i was suprised at how close his coat was and how much its broken, even getting the grey coming through but hes prodomantly black! not too disimilar to the dog in the pic!! couple of lads on here have had pups from the litter that i wouyld like to see. the guy he brought him from even aske
  13. there top lads. there teach you what you need too know mate
  14. who doid you end up out with bud? always good to get some hands on experiance. like i said, i have been out with some lads on here and they were top lads john
  15. good to see the deer hound crosses. me and my friend took his 7 month old doxhope dh/gh lamping with us on saturday night (we was shooting) we let him go and collect a bunny we had shot and made it into a big game. i was really suprised how quickly after that, that he started to follow the lamp!!! looking good bud john
  16. Dont dought your self mate you done a good thing! Ignore the shitty attitude from the old bill
  17. Mate i got 3 albinos and a sandy/cinimon, all jills, i only have them as they were what came up!
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