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Everything posted by rascal_2005

  1. I know a guy but he isnt on here
  2. Got a pair of brand new snicker holster work trousers her, in bark blue. Made a mistake when i brought them and forgote to change them. Size 38 waist 35 leg £40 they are yours
  3. Hi guys. People seen to be going wild for the LED lamps lately but i dont understand what the difference is in the types. (T20, T38 etc?) Any help would be great. Thanks
  4. The colour matches his personality
  5. Some git has nicked your door
  6. Because people on forums say no! Reason becomes very clouded on forums!!!
  7. what species of cat was it rascaland what was your mate doing out with it ? lampin Big cats roaming around this little Island of ours?! HEHEHE It was a long way off. Was real dark in colour. Not as big as a panther type cat but much MUCH larger than a moggy. Watched it jump a 5 bar gate from about 3 foot away and clean over the top and over the other side.
  8. This has made my year!!! Bravo this man!
  9. Hi guys I have recently got into fly fishing. Up until now i have borrowed bits from peoplebut i have ordered my new rod and reel now. But i have no clue about flies? So any help would be good? Im going to be fishing for everything with it, from trout and pike through to mullet and bass. So if anyone has any tips on what to look out for, that would be great. Thanks guys
  10. Pretty sure they 'crossed paths' in the past, he did with most people. Lol
  11. To be fair, krankey did say bpr can shoot, but i think if we keep stirring the pot we can get a little day out of this lol
  12. All i have guys http://s158.photobucket.com/user/yeeharr/media/DEER/043FF4B9-BE2C-412B-BB6E-D3A5FED2423C-4206-0000046966092DA2_zpsf453c034.mp4.html
  13. I know a few of you miss him and a few are glad hes gone but i have never seen a man shoot quite like him. Hers a few pics of some cattys he made and recent kills! He made one of the callus for a friend of ours The jackdaw was while we was camping in dorset spear fishing...... While he was pissed! Hope you enjoy Ps. He said he will challenge any man that thinks they can out dhoot him..... Wouldnt be kranky without that! Lol
  14. What else is in there bud. Looks nice
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