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About paul87

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. hi kev!!! just too let you know i am made up with the pup that i got off you she is a belter and she settles in straight away she is out all day long just knocking around the yard with my terriers and isnt a problem!!! hope you are getting on with yours ok wich i am sure you are pic's 2 follow when i work out how 2 up load them!!!!
  2. top bloke cudnt b happier with ma pup!!!!
  3. cudnt agree more u hav it in 1 ther pal!!
  4. u dont rate russels 2 of the best diggin dogs tht i hav eva seen wer both russels frm the sound of things these dogs in question wer not up 2 the job bt dnt tar every russel wut the same brush mine has neva let me down on a charlie granted she is jus a youngster nd nt done alot bt she is showing alot more promis than my mates patt!!
  5. its nt 4 nothing u broke thro 2 the dog wit its quarry wer it shud b a good result in my books nd atleast the quarry wil b ther 4 another day :-) ;-)
  6. i no exactly wt ur on about there milo nd its a nice stamp of russell u hav there i hav a ypung russell bitch jus the same certinaly nt a show dog bt a worker!! al the best paul87
  7. any pics of the red terrier nd how's it bread??
  8. real nice lukin pups mate al the best wit the sale hope they al find gud wrkin hwms!!!
  9. he luks far 2 big to b doin any kind of earth work 2 b fair btu neva no!!!
  10. alryt wer u at mate?? [bANNED TEXT] kind of size is she??
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