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Everything posted by Snelly

  1. I have got a old style Deben locator and 2 x 8 foot collars that work perfectly. 4 stop / gate nets, a bagful of high quality purse nets, 2 ferret boxes, a probe and a couple of decent spades. Looking to sell them as a job lot. Not sure what they are worth at this stage but will have a look around on eBay and the classifieds section of the site and come up with a price if you are interested? Can also take some pictures if you are interested in buying it all. Please let me know. I will check the site for replies in a couple of days.... Thanks. Snelly.
  2. Yes - you can see the parents if you collect the kits.. They are small. Please PM me and we can arrange the logistics if you still want them. Snelly.
  3. Mally - yes I have two hobs - lovely they are too. Do you want them? Snelly.
  4. Hi Snelly have you got a couple of hobs??. are they simular breeding to the jills i had off you as they were belters?? Hi - yes they are the same breeding and I think there are two spare hobs - I will check for you tonight. The only reason I am unsure is because a mate called in today to collect a couple and I am not sure what he has selected. Cheers and I hope you are well, Snelly Snelly.
  5. Hi, I have some red-eyed white kits for sale. Hobs and Jills - a fiver each. They are from a very good strain and are already easy to handle. The parents are brilliant workers. The sire is the best ferret I have ever owned and he is 8 now so there might not be too many more of his progeny in future! Cheers, Snelly
  6. Hi - I am interested. Could you meet me halfway to collect / deliver? I am in Sussex so half way would be near Southampton or Winchester for example? Cheers, Snelly.
  7. It is a Sako Quad in .17HMR with SAK moderator. The scope is a Nite Eater 6-24 x 50 with illuminated mil dot. It is a nice scope and was cheap too. The reason I have the sidewheel on is because I use this for long range sniping on rabbits at ranges up to 220 yards. I shoot it off the bonnet of my truck and the wheel is helpful when rangefinding and focusing quickly. Cheers, Snelly. PS - the Annie is definitely worth the money in my view and both single and two stage triggers are excellent. I have tried CZ's and agree that they are an excellent tool but they are not for
  8. Hi, I have the synthetic quad and can recommend it highly. It is a cracking rifle and I have had no problems at all with it. Just hours of sport and trouble free 200 yard plus accuracy! A pic of mine is shown below. Get one and I am certain you won't be disappointed - I prefer mine to my Anschutz. Cheers, Snelly
  9. No but it was the memorable shot. I think I shot about 15 but was really at the farm just for zeroing purposes. I have had big bags there. A mate and I shot over three hundred in under three hours one afternon last summer.
  10. Yes. I am fairly impressed with it and it was good value for not much money.
  11. Shot a rabbit tonight with the 17HMR. It was at 130 yards and only visible from the neck up as it was peeping out of a burrow. The conditions were totally clear, no wind at all, rifle freshly zeroed and bipod mounted. Zoomed in to 24x and squeezed - bob's yer uncle! :sniper: :thumbup: Well pleased I was! Cheers, Snelly. PS - HMR round makes a big hole!
  12. I have a Simmons WTC 3.5-10 on my Anschutz 22LR Carbine and it is an excellent scope. Good optics and the zero doesn't shift. In addition and by coincidence, I have got one of the new NS Nite Eater scopes on my .17HMR. I have the 6-24 x 56 IR model and it is excellent. The side wheel focus would get in the way on a 22 in my view as you want more of a point and fire scope there. With the 17 though, the shots are longer and it is no trouble at all to dial in the range before shooting. I have only had my Nite Eater for about 2 months so it is early days but at this stage, I can safely a
  13. Jamie g Manufacturing tolerences I suspect, I always got a little (at both ends as you say) but nothing like this much. The SAK is cheap but I've always found them quite good. How much is the DM80, I got rid of my HMR and only run a .22LR at the moment but intend to get a .22WM to fill the gap between the LR and my centrefires. Are they ok for these? Cheers Deker The DM is about £65 I think but they are difficult to get hold of.
  14. Hi, Thanks for your note. SAK is approved but I am on the look out for a DM to replace it. Secondly, bipod - I am not sure it makes much difference which way around it is. If I am out on an argocat or mule then it makes sense for it to be this way around as I don't know if I will need to shoot off the bipod or from a standing position. If it is the latter, I find having the legs up under the barrel to be better for me as it means I can hold the stock properly. In this pic, the bipod was just put on for zeroing so I didn't feel it mattered which way it went on. Cheers,
  15. Hi Snelly ...the moderator....blast residue seems to be coming out of the joint at the front..have you had it apart..perhaps it was just not tightened up enough during manufacturer. Either that or maybe you have been firing into a very strong wind! Cheers Ah, not sure. I will tighten it up this evening - many thanks.
  16. Hi, Deker - not sure what you mean - I have not been doing anything with it other than screw it on my rifle and fire it - perhaps you can be a little more specific? Cheers. Knifebar - in my limited experience it is a nice round. It has greater range and more knockdown power than a .22LR. That said, the rounds are expensive and it is relatively noisy. In terms of cost, the rifle was about £500 I think, the mod was £30 and the scope was £150. All in all a bit less than I spent on my .22LR - an Anschutz carbine. The biggest difference for me is when buying bullets as if you are
  17. My new rifle. Sako Quad in .17HMR with SAK moderator and Nite Eater 6-24x56 illuminated mildot scope. I have already put down rabbits at 180 yards with it. Lovely bit of kit. Thanks to Baldie for helping me out with the choice on this one - I think t is a great long range rabbiting tool. Snelly.
  18. Interesting thread this. I have been looking at what to apply for as my first CF as I have been asked to help with the fox control on our shoot and went out on Tuesday for the first time. I took my .17HMR wth 20 grain bullets which I thought would be okay for the job. In 90 minutes, we saw 11 foxes but of the safe shots that presented themselves, only one was within 100 yards and we did not have enough time to get a shot away on this one. There were six more opportunities to shoot but we felt that they were too far away - 150 to 250 yards - for the rifle that we had. This got me thinki
  19. Hi All, Can you help? I have got to give a speech next Monday at a Burns Night. I am giving the "Englishman's view of the Scots" speech and have a few stories to tell but would welcome any suggestions that you might have. Jokes, funny stories, anything really that you think could raise a laugh from 150 pissed blokes! Doesn't need to specifically related to Scots or Burns as I am sure I can modify any funny jokes to suit. Many thanks in advance for your help. Snelly.
  20. I can't believe the high MPG some of you lads are getting. I have got an 07 Navara Aventura and it has never done better than an average of 26MPG for a tank. Costs me a fortune in juice but I still love it.
  21. I have seen these pups and they are stunning. I have also seen the mother work and she is a very impressive bitch. Regards, Snelly.
  22. I am delighted to see that the ferrets are working out well for you..
  23. SAK are fantastic for a 22LR but for a 17HMR, I would spend a bit more as they are not ideal.
  24. Ta - here are a couple of better pics....
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