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carl addy

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About carl addy

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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    like workin wi me terriers etc

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  1. wont them for knive handles and cattapults
  2. hes is stacked out a wer shootin with him last week end
  3. has anyone got any dried deer feet
  4. webby is a good pal of mine and he dont stop the is only him that makes the cattys pluss he sels and make for people allover the uk and abroad so just bare with him lol an its a b***%*d waiting and thinking ya been ripped off but he not that kined of mush all the best hope ya have got it
  5. they are buffalo horn mate ave made loads of slings with them ya need to polish it up with brasso then the grain in the horne will cum out and it shines like glass ... for bands i use single black 1745 .9.5 steel kills game easy and also gose through cans at 25 yards no problem and lasts longer than thera band
  6. i have a few milbros for sale with deer antler handles mate
  7. hi all the catty seen is not dying its growing i make slings and shoot them every day the is plenty of groups on face book aswel as this ..gypsy sling.. the catapult lounge .g.c. u.k .. ukca i shoot in catty comps aswell as hunt with my catty been from a travling family cattys are my passion and will never fade .. be worth a look on face book lasds or add me on fb
  8. gypsy slings is a good catty group on face book lads anyone no any others
  9. hi lads not been on hear for years i have a few cattys for sale but carnt upload pics but if u pm me on face book al send you some pics deer antler handle and ally fork millbros
  10. u still got this ...the handle came off a crown derby tea knive set
  11. can any lads neer wakefield or leeds gat any inoculation jabs for my middleton pup
  12. the steel is great and the knives are mint mate the blades are made the same as a mora good qaulity mate and for the price when you rehandle them the justas good as any custom knive if not better
  13. hi mate have done one befor on an hults mate i put a birch handle on it and it look realy nice am going to start another one this week with deer antler brass and buffalo horn al put picsup when have done it if can get them up mate its realy easy and more greatfull if you do it yorself mate
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