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Everything posted by harvey

  1. the bitch is black 26tts kenneled out side very nice bitch
  2. any one want a well breed greyhound its for free
  3. greyhound bitch top honcho breed good stayin bitch iam re-homing her cos iam geting out the game iam not on hear all the time so ring me on 07838634013 the dog is 3 1/2 hartlepool
  4. cheers lads iam going to keep him now
  5. this is him now sorry about the pic wont stay still
  6. hello iam seling my 5month old dog pup its, 3/8collie 5/8grehound i want 100pound for it brings a ball back every time and his recall is good this is a pic [bANNED TEXT] he wos about 9weeks old my number is07838634013
  7. this is my pup at 8 weeks old
  8. any pic mate hope she turns out good for u
  9. iam re-homin the dog cos iv got 2 many dogs and she wos the last 1 in so first 1 out mate
  10. nice dog mate, i took my greyhound out 2 nites ago and got 2 long ears
  11. my first dog wos a collie/grey and thats all i keep now
  12. my dog is like that, he wil bring a ball back to my hand but a rabbit skin he just runs round me
  13. cheers t,d i wil keep at it mate
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