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winter hare

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Everything posted by winter hare

  1. she got a lot of saluki 3/4 she hasent scratched it and it aint red its just gone its growing back a little bit.
  2. hello iv got a saluki x that has lost the hair on her back legs what can i do to get it growing back.thanks winter hare:
  3. nice dog proberly a saluki x greyhound x
  4. will i would like to see berrera win but no one nose
  5. im with you on that i hate the c**t
  6. look in my gallery there on there just had a look mate did sam stanley make it? yer sam stanley made iv got to get him to put some elastic on em.
  7. look in my gallery there on there
  8. i had the same salt of catipult but i sold it now iv got deer horn buffalo horn catpult.
  9. hello and :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :welcomeani:
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