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Everything posted by FOXHUNTER

  1. Only ever shot 1 bird in my life that was ringed and that was a carrion crow.
  2. Good flight What's the craic with the one with a band round its neck ?
  3. Gender reveal parties wtf
  4. What exactly does that thermal image show ? Deluded idiots
  5. Wankers that pick up dog in a bag then hang it up ffs
  6. Brain dead tarts with lip fillers
  7. Vegans and Just stop oil protesters.
  8. Blokes wearing socks with sliders or crocs
  9. Numbers seem to be good this year. 100 in 1st session and 50 in next session .
  10. Popped out yesterday afternoon to check out a wheat stubble at 2pm. There was a few birds flitting about but not interested at all in decoying. Come 5.30 and they decided to feed and started decoying. Had a good hour and a half shooting ending on 76 birds .
  11. Never seen rats or woodcock, Jesus you must never go out of the house. Shot 4 one day
  12. Very quiet this morning, a few geese in the distance . A group of 3 mallard came from behind me and I managed to take one.
  13. Couple of hours yesterday evening.
  14. I remember now , I was late once when I crashed my car whilst swerving to miss a big cat that ran across the road
  15. Believe what you like , but I've never been late it's just not me.
  16. An admirable quality in my book
  17. Ah that's what a fox looks like. Extinct round these parts. Did get a call today though , my mates pal has a farmer complaining about a few so hopefully get a few soon
  18. Dont like that house mate , would have looked nicer all stone.
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