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Everything posted by FOXHUNTER

  1. I have said for a long time that private gun ownership will cease in the not too distant future. I believe that ownership will only be allowed if needed for your employment i.e farmers , pest controllers , deer managers etc. The likes of you and me who are recreational will not be permitted. Enjoy it while you can , I'm lucky I've had 40 years of it but the youngsters of today need to get out as much as possible.
  2. Never seen a white one but have seen black ones in Essex.
  3. Any hunting planned in Africa or Canada
  4. Yes Hawthorn has done well this year , loads of blossom. Pink is stunning.
  5. Good going Tim , bit warm today too.
  6. Very nice , cant go wrong with a Tikka ..watch out bunnies ?
  7. Yep and they were sacked pronto.
  8. No big surprise, the floodgates will open now. Eamon and ruth will know plenty.
  9. Wouldnt bother with ex layers they are a waste of money , you will never see them again.
  10. The death penalty should never have been abolished.
  11. It saddens me to think that the Welsh government are totally anti countryside. Hunting banned, snares banned , shooting to be licensed which will eventually be banned , salmon fishing to be banned whilst farms are being sold off to be covered in trees and never farmed again . How can a bunch of complete idiots be allowed to destroy the countryside. Sadly the rest of the UK will follow and all country sports will disappear and we will have a countryside full of vermin and trees. Make the most of what time we have left I say.
  12. Murder buck last night , great one to cull ?
  13. Lucky you , we have got the perfect habitat for them too. If they were here the population would explode.
  14. Well done the Toon back in the Champions League ??
  15. I see Rolph the nonce has now deceased. What a shame ...not .
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